I paid $40 for a tank of gas!




Originally posted by lovethesea
folders are OK.......

Thanks, I won't feel like such a dork than :D


Active Member
They really are!! Mine is a little bigger than a check book. At least you won't have to have it bagged with your groceries.



Originally posted by Daniel411
Highest prices in the nation.... but also a huge percentage of the entire worlds wealth!
I paid about $1.77 a gallon today for premium.
We can always stop driving, and ride our pedel bikes to work :)
EDIT: Than again... pedeling is to much like work "Forget That Pedeling" its easier to drive/ride!

So, we should penalize the wealthy state? So people who make more should pay more for the exact same thing as the rest?
Gas prices go up and EVERYTHING goes up because the price of transportation gets factored into all services! IT SUCKS! I wish there was something we should do. If only those grocery strikers could move over to the gas station- NOW THAT'S A WORTHY CAUSE!!!
I could only WISH for gas prices like all the rest of yours!! Sad thing is they sound so cheap, but I can remember when gas was 89 cents a gallon about 4 years ago!
BTW 2.33 a gal is for premium, but regular is still about 2.29 Pretty bad huh?
Maybe I should just move! :mad:



Originally posted by leenie
So, we should penalize the wealthy state? So people who make more should pay more for the exact same thing as the rest?
BTW 2.33 a gal is for premium, but regular is still about 2.29 Pretty bad huh?
Maybe I should just move! :mad:

Its not a penalty, just "a cost of living adjustment" to what the market will bear.
Wow, only four cents more for premium! Pretty good.



Originally posted by leenie
I could only WISH for gas prices like all the rest of yours!! Sad thing is they sound so cheap, but I can remember when gas was 89 cents a gallon about 4 years ago!

gas was not 89 cents in 2000. i remember when i used to be a truck driver in 1997 and gas was going for $1.25
in 2000 it was around $1.39
so in actuality it's gone up about 90 or so cents. your average weekly fillup tank will hold about 12 gallons. 12 X .9 X 4= a $43.20 increase in what you were paying four years ago. aaaand....
Originally posted by leenie

If only those grocery strikers could move over to the gas station- NOW THAT'S A WORTHY CAUSE!!!

the average monthly healthcare expense for these people is about $175 that they just got dropped so to say a $43 per month hit is worse than a $175 hit is just not true.
well realistically they're both silly items to protest anywayz. considering that wages have also gone up as well as that the average californian homeowner has been gaining $25,000 per year in equity....i think the pros outweigh the cons.
not to mention you're arguing a basic trend in the American economy that has never changed from the start of the economy, considering that the only thing in life that's constant is change, i think that you should be pretty happy at where you're at right now.


not to be a mean spirit but... when i saw the thread title i thought to myself "well here is another whiny suv driver..." how did i know you own an suv or large truck? well $40.00 divided by $2.33 is 17 GALLONS!!!!! no wonder it took $40 bucks to fill the tank. Here is another way to save money that has nothing to do with cupons. DONT BUY A CAR THAT CONSUMES GAS AT GALLONS PER MILE!!!! i get really pissed off when i fill up and there are a bunch of people complaining about how much gas costs when their driving a hummer. IMO if you buy a car that needs a 17+ gallon tank you are an idiot. (unless its for a reasion... like a truck drivre needs a truck. or a construction worker needs a pickup)
leenie, im sorry if im incorrect about the car you own. but if im not.... next time you go and buy a car. buy one that is a little more gas friendly instead of buying whats "in" style.


Joerdie, you have no idea. No, I don't drive an SUV. Funny that people like to assume. Actually my cost was 38.00 but I didn't count on anybody dividing up cents.
Some people need to have large cars or mini-vans, or SUV's or whatever because they have large families, some people may have bought their car BEFORE the crazy gas prices. And like you said some people may need trucks for work purposes, these things have NOTHING TO DO WITH STYLE! And even if they did, everyone has the right to gripe! My husband has a honda civic and it cost him almost $30 to fill up. So regardless of how big your gas tank is, or what car you drive, we are all suffering.
Purity, equity is only made if you sell, so for the homeowner who is not planning on moving, or for the homeowner that doesn't need to take out a loan, equity really doesn't do a whole lot of good.
Also when wages go up, so do prices. Everything is relative.
I don't agree with the grocery strikes either, I pay for the high cost of health insurance just like everyone else!
Really, I didn't think people would take some casual griping so seriously!
All I am saying is that the higher gas prices SUCK! And I think most people would agree. It sucks when the price of anything goes up.


1.72 here in PA. Would someone from NJ tell me why gas is cheaper there when you have no self service. Shouldnt it be more expensive?:notsure:



Originally posted by leenie
Purity, equity is only made if you sell, so for the homeowner who is not planning on moving, or for the homeowner that doesn't need to take out a loan, equity really doesn't do a whole lot of good.

equity is made the moment you buy a house. and even if it's not liquid on the spot it's still there so unless you die, you'll get it either by selling or cashing it out. and in the meantime, all it does is grow. so is gaining $150K in 3 years for doing nothing but living worth a jump in gas prices?


lol, when you cash out your equity, don't you still have to pay it back?
Don't get me wrong, I love equity, I've sold 2 houses in the last few years! I'm probably one of your clients! ha ha.
Homeownership is definately the key to living in California. But lots of people are starting to get left out of the rising prices. Not everyone can afford to buy a house here! You and I both know that from living in OC! We are fortunate to own homes here, but many are not.
Yes, gaining $150k in three years is worth rising gas prices(IF YOU SELL and move to another area where houses are much cheaper, but not everyone wants to uproot their families every 2 years). But the high price of gas still sucks!
Joerdie- I would rather not put myself up for judgement from you, so let's just say I drive a Rolls Royce! I'm not anti-SUV anyways. I think people have a right to drive what they want to.


those are some good points leen so i see where yer comin from on the whole uprooting thing.
yes you would have pay back cashing out so you wouldn't really see the actual FREE benefit until the home is sold. nonetheless the home will be sold eventually or the equity is inherited to your children so having a nice asset is still way better than no asset at all and, IMO, WAYYYY better than rising gas prices.
as far as the people who got priced out, well it sux and you may have to move to the 909 but the opportunity is still there and hundreds of families are doing it everyday.
plus, look at the job opportunities we have here! i may spend $2000 more a month to live here but i'm probably also making about $5000 more! not to mention it's friggin BEAUTIFUL here :) dude, you see the snow on those mountains today!!!


Active Member
The company I work for bought me a new P/U in 03, lets me take it home for daily driving and gave me a gas card to boot...Haven't paid attention to price per gallon for over a year, but I fill $40-$43 every four days..


I hear ya leenie. One day $1.57 nest day $1.63 maybe nest week $1.49 WHO EVER KNOWS. I wonder who is really bagging the money!! They say it will hit $2.00 this summer so put the multiplier to it for yours



Originally posted by Purity
those are some good points leen so i see where yer comin from on the whole uprooting thing.
yes you would have pay back cashing out so you wouldn't really see the actual FREE benefit until the home is sold. nonetheless the home will be sold eventually or the equity is inherited to your children so having a nice asset is still way better than no asset at all and, IMO, WAYYYY better than rising gas prices.
as far as the people who got priced out, well it sux and you may have to move to the 909 but the opportunity is still there and hundreds of families are doing it everyday.
plus, look at the job opportunities we have here! i may spend $2000 more a month to live here but i'm probably also making about $5000 more! not to mention it's friggin BEAUTIFUL here :) dude, you see the snow on those mountains today!!!

That's so funny you should say that about moving out to the 909! We sold our house in Ladera Ranch and moved out to Murrieta over a year ago! We more than doubled our home size from 1567 sq feet to 3400 (and lot size) AND lowered our payment with the equity gained on the sale of our other home. Isn't that crazy? I do miss the nice weather in OC, but I wouldn't trade it for my house with no association dues! We just had really good timing, because our current house is now worth $200,000 more than we paid for it. Things are exploding out here. My husband and I both worked for homebuilders and they are all out in the 909 now. Our old house in Ladera Ranch is selling for more than half a million today. Isn't that sick?
It's all a timing game you gotta play to stay ahead isn't it?
Saltfin- I know it's crazy- I wouldn't be surprised if it hit $3.00 here! I feel sorry for the lower wage earners- it's almost not worth it to drive to work!


ladera is an AWESOME place to have gotten in on. that place is still considered brand new. and it still has so much potential because it's next to the toll road and is the linking community between rancho and the rest of south county! my buddy got in on a $150K place 4 years ago in the area right behind coto (can't remember the name) that was just appraised at $475K last month.
you and yer husband should take a look at some of those 2-4 plexes over in san bernardino. it's pretty much the only area where investments are giving decent turnarounds with as little as 15% down. right now i'm only making $125/month profit on my baby but that much per month added to principle still makes a decent dent.
also, keep yer eye out on foreclosures. they're gonna get big again very shortly. that's the time to jump on those short sales. me and some partners are gonna do another pre-foreclosure stint and the short sales are where it's at. yer talkin $25K months and that's not even counting the income from the flip sale!!!


Canadians pay twice what we do
Europeans up to 4 times what we pay.
be happy you are not paying that much.