i picked up two neon gobies and they had small fries!


Active Member
my tank had what seemed to be thousands of them...!!!! it was so cool... all swimming around... i take it that none of them will live, but it was very cool!
Do they do this often? I guess its a good natural food source.


Active Member
One would think that if they are that prolific and easy to breed the prices on them would certainly be a lot lower thanwhat they sell for in most lfs and on line.......
As to their surviving, you can probably save quite a few if your have another setup that you can use to rear them in...but left in a display tank with other fish they are merely live food.


Active Member
i know, i paid 20 bux each for them (at a good store too) maybe i'll put a few to the side? idk..... is it worth it? and how where would you guys put them?