I posted this elsewhere to, but wanted everyones opinion.

clown fish heir

New Member
I am getting a 125 g bow front reef tank. I will be adding 1 flame angel, 2 percula clowns, and 1 yellow tang. and on the inverts I will add a chocolate chip star, a CBS, a pep shrimp, 30 blue legged hermits, 5 scarlet legged hermits, 5 feather dusters, and lots of xenia coral. is this a good selection? and am I overstocking?


Active Member
dont add a chocolate chip star!
It will eat all of your inhabitants. Geez man go with the post you made in the fish discussion board and get a serpent star.
You sure do change your mind a helluva lot.
The bs might eat the peppermint shrimp also.


Active Member
CC starfish do well in fish only tanks. I have one in my nano FOWLR that doesn't bother my fish or other inverts. For a reef, I would definitely go with a serpent star or a brittlestar.


Active Member
I also would go easy on the blue legs. They will eat you scarlet legs and your snails.


Active Member
IME scarlets and blue legs are fine together.
You must have very passive blue legs. Consider yourself lucky.


Active Member
No, You are not over stocking, but you need to add any stock gradually so that the bacteria keep up with the growth in bioload. Meaning.....Cycle the tank with some dead shrimp or fish food for about three weeks or so then add one fish every two to three weeks to let the biofilter catch up with the bioload. And make sure you cure any live rock before adding any fish.
Good luck and congratulations on the new tank! Lesley
I've seen many times where someone will put a chocolate chip starfish in with a yellow tang, and the tang eats it to bits.....so i dunno......