I really need some help!


New Member
I may have messed up big time. I'm setting up a new reef in a 24g nano. The lady selling the r/o water mixed up the valves and sold me non-salted water. I thought I got salted and like an idiot didn't check the salinity. So my live rock and tank has been sitting in fresh water for 24 hours, and my live sand for 12!
So, my question: Did I kill my live rock? And especially, did I kill all the bacteria in my live sand? Do I need to start over???
I really appreciate any help. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Yes everything is dead.
Reset your saltwater.
However you do not have to start all over. The live rock and sand will become live rock and sand again, just add some live rock, and wait. Everything does have to cycle.


Active Member
Re-seed the sand with a couple pounds of Live sand after you get the proper salinity. Your sand losses aren't that big of a deal honestly.
The outer layer of the rock is done for, but the inner core might be alive. Doubtful its dead, but for sure get the salinity up asap. Bacteria is pretty tough. If you bought the water from a saltwater store...talk to them about re-reimbursement, or see if they will replace a portion of your live rock and sand. If nothing else a small baggy of sand to re-seed your system is the least they could do.
Evin just a little LR will help re-seed the now dead rock. It takes up to 2 years...but you might be lucky and have it do it much sooner, since it was only 24 hours.
Learn a tough lesson from this, don't trust anyone but yourself in the end. At the very least they ow you some store credit, and or a ton of proper water from now on.


Active Member
IMO your sand is not a problem, it is dead but not a big deal. Your rock has had some die-off due to the freshwater. This die-off will initiate a cycle to start your tank.
If it were me I would remove as much as (close to all) of the water I could leaving the sand and rock where it is and fill the tank back up with new saltwater. Then start testing each day to monitor your cycle.


New Member
Ok, thanks for the help. I mixed in a couple pounds of live sand and integrated about 5 more pounds of live rock to give it a boost. We'll see how it goes...
Seriously, thanks for the help!