I really need some input please!!


My fish apparently had velvet.
I got him out but i have 2 others in there, will they be ok or should i put in a qt tank? I also have some mushrooms a bubble tip anenome, sea cucumber cleaner shrimp and a bunch of snails. What should i do? Will they all be ok with the fish having velvet or does it affect these creatures to. My snails look like they must be falling off the glass or something cause most of them are upside down on the sand. But my fish and everything else seem to be ok. Besides my mushroom that seems to not want to stay on the rock it's been on for a couple of weeks now. I just added a UV sterilizer, will that help?? Please help me i don't know what i should do. Thanks


Velvet is alittle worse than ick from what i have heard, can knock out all your fish if your not careful, uv will kill most of the unwanted bacteria in your tank but also this could be an indication of water parameter fluctuations, have you checked you salinity? alk? Ph? nitrites stuff like that?
A big indication of whether or not your water is ok is if your inverts are ok, snails and shrimp are most sensitive to the slightest changes....and will die pretty quick if not resolved....