I really want a clam, would it be OK

I would really love to have a clam but am worried about killing it. Are they hard to keep? Would they be compatible with the contents in my tank?


I have A Maxima and a Crocea and they have been doing great for months. For these you really should have Metal Halides because they require Strong light. I keep mine high on the LR where they can attach. I will get some more because from what I read they can help reduce nitrates.
hopefully I will be ok then, I am running 3 175 watt 55K halides and 2 4 foot 40 watt blue actinics on my 125 gal. reef. So clams go up high? I was hoping to set mine on the bottom. I just want to be sure I can keep them before spending $160 each. How long do they live usually?
Well clams can be put on the rock or sand but usually the sand is prefered because they are easier to place. Man that sounds like an expensive clam you are looking at. I personally would try a derasa clam which can be very easy to keep and by far one of the cheapest. Most clams live along time and others live longer than others. Somer clam species live over 100 years and can grow over 6 feet!! usually normal clams you will find in stores wont get this big however except for the gigas clam.


The reason I keep mine off the bottom is so my Sand Sifters won't bother them. The problem I had with putting them on the LR is they fell off numerous times until they attached.


Try getting a smaller, cheaper clam, before you go and spend $160 bucks on one. If it would unfortunately die (which I don't think it would, your lighting sounds pretty good) anyone would prefer $30 clam to a $160 clam. What corals do you currently have in the tank? And how well are they doin? 55k metal halides could be a problem, so you might want to get a mh light with a higher kelvin value just for the third of the tank where the clam will go.
Clams can live very long and become very big, but odds are that in an aquarium it won't, so don't worry too much. Check out this pic of a huge clam near the Solmon Islands in the South Pacific

Good luck and keep us updated- Mark
[ December 08, 2001: Message edited by: Mark-24 ]


get clams over 3" smaller ones are't as hardy = filter feed more. the larger ones feed oof the light more. They all filter feed but small ones do so more thna the large ones. Derasa squamossa like to be on the sandbed. Maxima crocea like to attach to rocks. these 2 need to be mid or higher under 175w. the derasa would be find on the bottom.