I regret to inform you that I am backing out of SW

lil' tanker

I am sorry all but I am backing out of SW I would like to still be apart of this website and will still be here (especially in the aquarium section).


Originally Posted by lil' tanker
I am sorry all but I am backing out of SW I would like to still be apart of this website and will still be here (especially in the aquarium section).
That's too bad, especially since I know that Mike really bent over backwards to try to help you get going. Maybe when money isn't such an issue, you can try again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lil' tanker
My dad was paying for me to start out so I had to go so low
ya what happened?

lil' tanker

My dad said I had to get the price down to 225 and so I did last night. So I was really happy. But then this morning he just changed his mind and went back to 300. Then we got in a fight about it cause I was mad because he went back on his word. Then he got down to 250 but took stuff out of the deal. So I wrote him a nice email that basically said I'm sorry I can't accept and I am not going to do sw.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lil' tanker
My dad said I had to get the price down to 225 and so I did last night. So I was really happy. But then this morning he just changed his mind and went back to 300. Then we got in a fight about it cause I was mad because he went back on his word. Then he got down to 250 but took stuff out of the deal. So I wrote him a nice email that basically said I'm sorry I can't accept and I am not going to do sw.
figure out the cost of what it would be to start a tank. either think of an all in one tank or a 20 long or something. figure out how much sand you would want, live rock, the type of lighting you want--- just the basic stuff, and then compare
if its a 20L i know of a site that makes t-5 lighting for that size and it would be like a retrofit but its about 115, but youd have to buy 2, so its 115x2. unles you just want PC lighting


Have you taken the time to sit down and price out the costs of assembling a tank? I put roughly $600 into a 10 gallon for a few zoos and a damsel. Once you put the money into a tank, you rarely recover your costs if you sell and you know that about the hobby but it would be nice to get something. I think Mike is torn between losing a friend and losing a huge chunk of money. It is up to him what his bottom line is, I have no doubt he can sell it to another on here or on craigslist for the $350 very quickly. Have you priced live rock and live sand? These don't come with a cube.
I, do not think that Mike is trying to

you in any way but I get the vibe from your posts that you feel like he is. Take a minute, go to the dry goods portion of this site and start pricing what sand, rock, hermits, and all the things that this tank comes with cost.

lil' tanker

I already did that. But the thing is, all Mike22's stuff is USED. Just like if you bought a brand new car today as soon as you drive it off the lot you'll be lucky to get around half of what you originally bought it for because it is USED. The same rule applies with Mike22's stuff. He wanted about 3/4 of his money back on stuff w/o a guaranty so if it broke I'm down and there's nothing I can do except buy a new one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lil' tanker
I already did that. But the thing is, all Mike22's stuff is USED. Just like if you bought a brand new car today as soon as you drive it off the lot you'll be lucky to get around half of what you originally bought it for because it is USED. The same rule applies with Mike22's stuff. He wanted about 3/4 of his money back on stuff w/o a guaranty so if it broke I'm down and there's nothing I can do except buy a new one.
used doesnt really matter as long as its in good condition. the fact that the sand is alredy live and the rock is live is good.. you cant really say anything about the corals or fish since theyre living you know? lights dont matter as long as the ballast and bulbs are good and have some life on them
i really dont think thats true about this hobby, maybe if it the equipment was disfigured or broken or so worn down you know? i also agree that you do lose a lot of money selling the tank because you get people wanting it next to nothing


Active Member
its just really up to you also. i also do think you might have a sense of accomplishment when you set things up on your own, experiencing the cycle, watching everything mature and doing what you want-- just realize its going to cost money to set things up. if you want to save money on things why are you going to spend over 200 just on a tank, then trying to spend more money for live rock, live sand, a better pump, etc

salt monger

i agree with the other guy. When you sell stuff used, you have to accept to only recoup fifty to sixty percent of what you Invested


Active Member
Jared I'm really sorry you backed out, but I can't force you to spend your money. Hopefuly once you get a job you'll reconsider?

I was torn between losing a friend and a lot of money. And I realy need the money, and I also am looking forward to setting the tank up myself. But I'm glad you're still going to participate on this forum. You'll also learn a lot if you ever do decide to get a sw tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt monger
i agree with the other guy. When you sell stuff used, you have to accept to only recoup fifty to sixty percent of what you Invested
I didn't want to make a buck, I just wanted to get a decent amount back of what I invested.

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Jared I'm really sorry you backed out, but I can't force you to spend your money. Hopefuly once you get a job you'll reconsider?

I was torn between losing a friend and a lot of money. And I realy need the money, and I also am looking forward to setting the tank up myself. But I'm glad you're still going to participate on this forum. You'll also learn a lot if you ever do decide to get a sw tank.

that quote basically says that you didn't want to have to choose between money or me but since you did you chose the money???

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
I didn't want to make a buck, I just wanted to get a decent amount back of what I invested.
Well saltmonger was right on sorry

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by salt monger
i agree with the other guy. When you sell stuff used, you have to accept to only recoup fifty to sixty percent of what you Invested
I agree completely


Active Member
Originally Posted by lil' tanker
that quote basically says that you didn't want to have to choose between money or me but since you did you chose the money???
No I did not chose the money, I got out of the deal so I wouldn't lose either. Plus my parent's wouldn't let me sell it at that low.


Active Member
Ok just wondering on how much you're against the sw idea, would you set the tank up if you got a tank for your birthday or christmas?


Active Member
Well since were airing dirty laundry what cam with the tank when the deal started?Any coral,live rock ,live sand ect ect...