I saw a scooter blenny for the first time today and.....


and all i have to say is HOLY CRAP :eek: i almost fell over when i saw the little thing had LEGS!!!! damn thing looked like one of the mangles toys in Sids room in Toy story!!!! me thinks i will be staying away from them.
oh ya and they had a small blue ring too :eek: i asked them about it and they said that if someone buys it they have to sign a release form saying that they understand that it can kill your ass and that the store isn't liable incase it happens that good to know.


I read someplace (clicking around looking for wehre I read it) many fish stores sell many things called scooter blennies. Its a generalization for "unidentifiable blenny". The "Scooter" I got when I first got started in this was brown and white speckled with little blue spots on his tail, no legs. I dont know what they are selling you but ya better look in a book! My little blenny, whatever he is, is the cutest little guy with a big whale size staring problem.


sounds like a blue ring octopus thats the only thing i can think of that has legs and can kill you it deffinatly not a scooter blenny


i think you guys are reading the question wrong. i dont think he is confusing a scooter blennie and a blue ringed octopus. he just wanted to know about a scooter blennie and brought up that they had a blue ringed octopus. i dont know about a scooter blennie with legs though, but my LFS sells scooter "blennies" but they are really dragonettes and are difficult to feed. but they dont have any legs that ive seen.


dragonettes! That was the name I was trying to think of, and the less educated LFS calls them (generically) scooter blennies. Thank YOu!!!
Boy I need to go get some sleep between the tank and this place I am getting no sleep!!


my scooter blenny(common name) is actually a cool little fish. He doesn't seem to be bothered by anyone or anything. Just goes about doing his own thing. I think he's just one of those fish that grows on you. Don't underestimate his looks until you've watched him for a while, he's actually got quite interesting markings. My lfs with the blue ring told me they don't have to have any release forms signed or anything, just like buying a snake or other poisonous animal.


i had one and my mom says it looked like a lizzard, but my brother killed it be squashing it with the alge magnet, i was so mad. :(


New Member
My scooter blenny is easy to feed (Is mine the only one?)! He eats formula 2, wardley shrimp pellets, and tetra exotic pellets.


what i was talking about is what "my" lfs refers to as a scooter blennie. they are actually dragonettes. many of them only eat live copepods. however you can get many of them to eat frozen brine and other things. they are supposed to have eating habits similar to the mandarin dragonette, but will more easily accept aquarium foods. never had either one of these fish because of this fact, just stating what ive read.


I don't think I've ever seen mine eat any flake or other foods I've added in the tank. Mostly a copepod diet as jacrmill stated.