I tested my water and...


Ok, I just set my tank up yesterday. I got the water already mixed from the fish shop. I tested it tonight and all the tests came out perfect - 0 ppg for the Nitrates (NO-2 & NO-3), Phosphate, and Ammonia. The only one I couldn't test was pH because the bottle didnt have a dropper on it (I'll bring it back tomorrow.) I got a calcium test, but didnt do it because I just have water, sand, and 1 piece of live rock (2.5 lbs) no coral yet. I will be going out and getting a thermometer tomorrow, what is the best type to get, or should I get more than 1 type? I dont care about cost, I just want it to be accurate. Now, is 3-4 weeks a good waiting period, if everything stays pretty much the same throughout that time, before I can introduce fish? I will be getting around 20 lbs more of live rock this weekend. I know I have to be patient, but its so hard! I have been browsing this website and a few others looking at all the different things I can put in my tank and its KILLING me!


Active Member
You need to drop a piece of raw cocktail shrimp in there to kick start your cycle. Once everything spikes and drops back to zero (or nitrates close to zero) you can start slowly adding livestock. The cycling process should take 2-6 weeks.

sinner's girl

go ahead and add the lr now, that'll help the cycle.
raw shrimp and fish food will also help.
I've always just bought and used the stick on temp gauges, I keep two on each tank (one on each side). Not sure if they are the best, but that's all I've ever seen.
Great info, read


I have been browsing this website and a few others looking at all the different things I can put in my tank and its KILLING me!
trust me, it is worth waiting. I know the feeling, all of those beautifull fish you could get!!! lol wait untill all is zero.
I've always just bought and used the stick on temp gauges, I keep two on each tank (one on each side). Not sure if they are the best, but that's all I've ever seen.
Sinner's girl, you taught me how to quote properly! lol, but I have to disagree about the stick on thermometers. They are terribly inacurate. They reflect the temp of the room as well. because they are measuring temp from the outside of the glass. A plastic thermometer with a suction cup will withstand even aggressive fish's abuse. I wish you much luck sugarfox!!! come here for help anytime! everyone here is great!!!!


I like my digital thermometer. It calculates to a tenth of a degree. It was less than $20, so definitely worth it.


Active Member
i don't like the raw shrimp method, i mean what kind of preservatives do grocery stores put on the shrimp, do you really want that in your tank?? I use live rock and ghost feed my tanks. Use fish food and get more live rock and you will be fine (the more established the live rock the faster the cycle will be
). And yes digital thermometers are the best. Good luck


Thanks everyone! I had never heard of the shrimp thing, but I will do the fish food method. I will be getting more live rock this weekend. Both of the local stores I go to around here havent had anything good in. One got a shipment in today, but I wont get there in time, and the other is getting theirs in tomorrow. I will be going to both places Saturday, I'll be getting 20-25 lbs. Thanks again!! :)

sinner's girl

A plastic thermometer with a suction cup will withstand even aggressive fish's abuse.
Didn't know that. I'll see if I can find one. Like I said, just used the stick on ones because that's I've seen. I gotta get another ph anyway (found out last night it's not working), so I'll see about a thermometer.
i don't like the raw shrimp method, i mean what kind of preservatives do grocery stores put on the shrimp,
What's the differences in feeding the shrimp to your inverts or using it to start the tank?


I would just like to say to Drewsta that your eel is really cool looking (you replied to one of my posts) and I got one for myself named Rasputin. Thank you for being nice and supportive too! A lot of these people on here are very....blunt...and almost rude. You were the only person who didn't reply to my post and treat me like a total idiot! Much thanks. I had a little problem with the eel, he disappeared for a day, but now he's back!