I think i am messing something up!


I have had a 75 gallon going for roughly a month now (cycling) With 50 lbs of live rock and a bunch of sand out of an exsisting tank. About a two weeks into it I added a piece of live rock (8lbs) that was already cured. I have been testing every three days and for the first two weeks basically it looked perfect (0,0,0) then after two days of the new live rock ammonia went to .25 and everything else was 0... well after three days i relized that i wanted to rearrange the rocks alittle better so i did... and got a huge ammonia spike, next day ammonia went down nirtites stayed at 0 and nirtates spiked... a couple days later smae thing... now i just tested it ammonia is back down to .25 nitrites are 0 and nirates are 10
I have one powerhead could this be the reason why i still have ammonia.... or could it be becuase i have a hob filter with crabon in it... I literlly just read on this board that your not to have carbon in the tank during cycle... is this true.. someone help me... i am really started to want fish like a lwanmower blenny to eat all my algea that is starting to look like grass!!!!!
Thanks for any help anyone can give me... I am one of those people that really needs perfessonal help, but i cant afford it becuase of this hobby!!!


Active Member
You're Ok. Just be patient till the ammo goes away. You're seeing spikes because you moved some stuff around. When the ammo and trites are gone test by ghost feeding you'r tank. You should see any ammo. But the trates should go up. Do a water change without stirring things up, add a clean up crew and you'll be all good. Wont be long now.


I already have a small small small clean up crew most came with the live rock...
My Ammonia is like killing me ever so slowely .... I am not sure why it will not go down... So much for hoping for a 2 week mini cyle (the guy i got the lr from said i would not have much of a cycle...)


Active Member
What test kit are you using? One (I think Red Sea?) is notorious for a .25 reading whether actual or not. Get the water tested elsewhere to rule out a problem with the test kit.


Active Member
Maybe mix up some fresh saltwater and see what you get.
Your ammonia reading, IMO, does not have anything to do with the carbon in the HOB.
Sometimes these things take time. Traditionally a cycle would take around 6 weeks. Really I am afraid it just means patience.