Thanks for the very informative post. I looked at some videos of the units you mentioned. I really like what I see, and of course you seem to be getting what you pay for. This issue just highlighted my other issue of deciding on a tank size. I love the tall look, stacking rocks with all sorts of life growing on them. However, I like having a long tank to give plenty of room for the little guys on the bottom.
I believe once I decide on the tank size, I can then truly decide on the light fixtures, because the size will decide the amount of light fixtures I will need. Since, they are a bit pricey, I don't want to need 4 $500 pieces right off the bat haha. I checked out the Aqua Illuminations Sol blue fixtures, I am about to research the others you mentioned.
Now, I am also trying to decide between acrylic or glass. It seems like acrylic is the way to go at the moment?
Edit: Also, would it be ok to get 1 ecotech radion or aquaillumination sol for a 48x24x24 just at the start and add another later when it becomes necessary? Or will it be necessary from the beginning?