i think i have a mantis shrimp


I can hear like pinching noises but i think it might be my emerald crab also talked to lfs and asked why the bottom jaw of my yellow watchman goby was chewed up he said either mantis shrimp or tried to jump out of tank, i hope i don't have one but do u guys think i do?


I'd be careful if you have a mantis, i think i read once that they can deliver enough force to shatter the aquarium glass not to mention your fingers <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


could be a mantis, or anything else for that matter... if you hear popping, it's quite possible. i've lost 2 healthy fish and a peppermint shrimp in 3 weeks to a suspected mantis in my tank. good luck.
here's a good article on mantis..<a href="http://saltaquarium.about.com/library/weekly/aa110498b.htm?terms=MANTIS%2520SHRIMP" target="_blank">mantis signs</a>


It could be a mantis. It should sound like two marbles being struck together. If you do have one be careful. Like Memnoch said, they can shatter the bones in your finger (with the force of a .22 bullet). Keep an eye out for it. If you see it and notice which rock it has made its home in, take the rock out (very carefully). I forgot how to get it out of the rock, spraying water or hyposality bath or something; do a search on mantis shrimp on this site, there are a lot of posts about them. Then you can either flush it, sell it to the lfs (doubtful that they'll take it), give it away here, or keep it (this is what I did with mine). They are very interesting creatures and easy to keep.
It may turn out that you don't even have a mantis. The crab could be the culprit of the chewed up jaw. I don't know why an attempt at jumping out of the tank would cause its jaw to appear chewed up.


Originally posted by keisersosei:
It may turn out that you don't even have a mantis. The crab could be the culprit of the chewed up jaw. I don't know why an attempt at jumping out of the tank would cause its jaw to appear chewed up.</strong><hr></blockquote>
i don't either... that seems like a lame answer from a fish store. maybe he broke it by riding his motorcycle into a tree and needs it wired shut....(just as possible imo,lol)