I think I have had enough


Yesterday I posted a thread about my lemon peel. So far he is still alive but not eating. I bought a Hippo as the same time and had both in a QT. The Hippo was eating like a champ but when the lights came on this morning he was gone. The lemon peel I decided to move to my big tank in hopes he might start doing something. (God only knows). I know this hobby can be expensive but I have lost 2 emporer's and now the Hippo in 3 weeks. $300.00 worth of fish. The funny thing is that my 90 has NO PROBLEMS and I am using the same wather for my 10% water changes daily. So I don't know what is going on. I have ordered new test kits and they should arrive tomorrow but I just don't get it. One day they are ine and the next day they are dead. Again, water quaility is perfect and it is just very frustating not knowing what is killing them. The frustration will only last so long casue I know I will be out ther in a week or two looking for more fish. I have had this tank for 5 years and never use to use a QT. I had at least an 85% sucess rate with any fish I acclimated but ever since I've been using the QT I have an 85% failure rate. Any ideas.................


Staff member
What kind of emperor did you have that cost so much money?
How is the QT set up?


I have a 10 gallon QT. I keep an extra piece of live rock in my sump as well as an extra sponge filter and move it to the QT when I set it up. I take water from my 90 and then add enough RO/DI water to it to equal the SAL level the fish are coming from. I slowly bring up the SAL level to match the 90 I have. I do mean slowly so it won't shock the fish. All of the levels test clear so I just can't figure out what is going on. I do a 10% water change daily to the QT from my 90. I add the water to a 5 gallon bucket and again add RO/DI water to match the SAL level in the QT but bring the SAL level up just a little bit. I started with an Emporer that was changing and paid $130.00 for him at an lfs. Once he was gone I tried again with another Emporer and he was eating with no problem. All of a sudden one mornig I looked in and he was gone as well so I broke down the QT and put it away. I decided to try with a hippo and a lemon peel. Both were in the same tank at the lfe and were eating and looked really healthy. The hippo went last night and the lemon peel hasn't eaten since I put him in the QT. He didn't seem to have any visible paracites so last night I moved him to my 90. Looked in on him this morning and he is still with us. Hopefully he can get comfortable enough to come out and eat this evening.


What do you mean when you say they were "gone"? As in, not in the tank - or dead? (I've had jumpers before, particularly from small tanks, and one went down a vent where it dried up and was not found for a month!) also - the problem with a 10 gallon QT is that the water parameters can change so quickly that the simple lack of volume is enough to cause catastophic wipe-outs, I'd get a bigger qt if your even going to bother - my 2cents