i think i may have too many fish... do I?



Originally Posted by brad pitt
i will but what can i get?
mow lawns, grocery store, paper route, fast food, lfs, wash windows, walmart, target, etc, oil change tech. just have to look.


Originally Posted by brad pitt
i will but what can i get?
I was a veterinary technician from when I was 16-19, but you need a lot of experience for that. I also worked at Barnes and Noble at the same time and loved that, if you like books maybe you could try it. It wasn't hard. I also still teach private violin lessons, if you play an instrument you could do that. Or be a tutor.

nano reefer

Active Member
you are at the max bioload. any more will make things go bad. keeping a timely maintenance schedule is key, meaning don't miss a water change by a couple days and don't forget to change filter pads and don't forget to siphon out any algae.
and if you're 16 you can just go to a grocery store and get a job, or some other place like that. Put the money towards your tank, and the leftover money to getting a car or saving for college if you plan on going.