I think I need to thin out my stock



Hey everyone, I have a 150gal FOWLR and I think over then next 2 or 3 months, I will have to thin out my stock. They were ok when they were small, but now all of them are getting a little too big and my nitrates are still fine ( less than 20) but these fish will continue to grow and I want to do something before it's do or die.
I've already sold my powder blue and lunare wrasse. Here's my current stock that I want to keep:
Queen angel (must keep) - pushing 5"
Naso tang (must keep) - close to 6"
Foxface - close to 7"
Sargassum Trigger - 4+ "
Niger Trigger - just a tiny 2.5" fishy
Cleaner Wrasse - this one is small and I think full size
The above are the ones I want to keep.
Then I have these 3 I want to take out:
Yellow Wrasse - will go in my 65gal
Lawnmower Blenny - will sell
Dogface Puffer - 5+ " now will sell
Problem is my wife loves the dogface puffer... she won't be happy if I sold it. What's everyone think? Which ones should I keep? The Queen and Naso I will keep for sure and will upgrade to a larger tank when they get too big.


Well-Known Member
The lawnmower blenny is not a large fish, and very beneficial, I wouldn't get rid of it.
I don't know much about the other fish...I was told by a friend who knows his fish, that a puffer will eat anything it can fit in his mouth.


I too would keep the blennie..they help with the algae...If your wife loves the dogface...it's probably staying too...LOL
The only other one that is of any size is the foxface....


That's what I was thinking about the dogface, he eats all my CUC and is the biggest pooper in the tank. lol Plus I think he's kinda ugly but my wife thinks he's cute. He'll probably be the one to go, very easy fish to catch too. The foxface has been with me for a long time so I wouldn't get rid of him.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
That's what I was thinking about the dogface, he eats all my CUC and is the biggest pooper in the tank. lol Plus I think he's kinda ugly but my wife thinks he's cute. He'll probably be the one to go, very easy fish to catch too. The foxface has been with me for a long time so I wouldn't get rid of him.
In a year the triggers together would create a bio load close to that of the dogface. Give a little take alittle. Id get rid of them and stay off the couch.


Oh man, not my triggers!
I think she'll be ok if I find the puffer a good home.


Active Member
Move the Yellow Wrasse to the 65 and call it a day

Don't get rid of the Puffer
....Doesn't sound like they are too aggressive toward each other, I would keep them, it's a good stock list. Upgrade in a few years.
On a side note, I hate getting rid of fish...I grow rather attached to them

small triggers

Active Member
Im keeping every fish i have except my clown trigger when it gets bigger. Getting attached is what we do best, we take all the time to figure out what we like and wait to buy it if we have to. I vote you jsut upgrade your tank now and keep everyone


if your filtering is up to par, i wouldn't get rid of any of the fish.


Active Member
Just do what WE ALL DO get a LARGER tank. Heck I am putting my 300 gallon on a payment plan here in the next 4 months that way come Christmas I can have it installed and running hopefully. If so that is my gift for the next 5 years. Considering I ust bought my wifey a house she gt the better deal you think.


It's not that I don't want a bigger tank right now but we're moving early next year so I don't want to set up a bigger tank, then just tear it down again a year later. I'll keep the puffer for as long as I can keep my water parameters in check but if I see my nitrates going up, he's the first one to go.

small triggers

Active Member
ironeagle, you live in the house with your wife,,, so you relly didnt buy it just for her,,, its kinda like appliances,, it doesnt count as a gift,,, BUT your tank is your own gift and frankly if you work to pay for it who cares. The most important question is,,, does your wife have a place to put it?? lol


I lucked out that my wife is as interested in these fish as I am. Sometimes even more because she gets really attached to them. So she wouldn't have anything against me getting a larger tank, as long as I use my own money. lol



Originally Posted by small triggers
ironeagle, you live in the house with your wife,,, so you relly didnt buy it just for her,,, its kinda like appliances,, it doesnt count as a gift,,,
BUT your tank is your own gift and frankly if you work to pay for it who cares. The most important question is,,, does your wife have a place to put it?? lol
I was thinking the same thing when I read that....It's kinda like...DON'T BUY me a toaster for my birthday unless you want a new hat


Active Member
I hear you however you are not the one that does all the maintance on the sucker. Try being the one that is redoing it plus trying to keep the budget when your wife decides that see wants a new refirge that will cost more than my NEW 300 gallon tank SET UP total. She has a Krystal taste on a Budweiser Budget yet I have to pull it off.

small triggers

Active Member
hey,, im the same way with my husband. I do all the maintenance one the tank (and around the house) and he likes to buy new things like your wife, but on a larger scale like a new car or motorcycle,, LOL