I think I'm ready..can I add all these at once?


Hey everyone, my tank is doing very well now, progressing nicely. The tank has been setup for 3 weeks now, 2 weeks with live rock/live sand. The cycle has already finished, water parameters are near perfect. I want to add a clean up crew and 4 fish. Im going to order from an online retailer for the first time. But in order to save on the high shipping costs, I would save around $50-60 if I bought the clean-up crew and the four fish at once. I've added four fish to my tank before in my early setup about a year ago, and this tank didn't contain live rock or live sand and the fish did fine.
The tank is a 65 gallon, 4" DSB, 53lbs of live rock
Water Parameters:
Ammonia, Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = 5-10
Salinity - 1.025
pH- 8.3
The fish that I wanted to add was one six line wrasse, a pair of perculas, and either a royal gramma or a purple-firefish. I know all of these fish are quite small and hardy so I was hoping that what I was planning to do was acceptable. Any input or suggestions is appreciated.

sinner's girl

imo, no on adding four fish at once to a tank this young....when you added four at once before was the tank this young? were there other fish in the tank? i'm just wondering if this tank could handle it...
add the clean up crew then add the pair of perc (i think this could be done at the same time...),
also if this is the 1st time from a company you may want to see what one fish looks likes before getting 4....
i'd wait, someone else may say otherwise...


I agree with Sinner's Girl. I would just do the cleanup crew and the perculas assuming they are false perculas or oscellaris (sp?) I think they are much hardier than true percs. As you can see I have pretty much the same in my tank and all are doing well. I am going to wait a few more weeks and return the damsels and chocolate chip and slowly add some more delicate fish and coral.


Active Member
I am not sure whether you made your decision yet but here's my two cents ( as usual I will go against the grain)
Go to the LPS and get yourself a couple of ocellaris clowns. Leave these guys in the tank for about another three weeks and then make the rest of your purchase on line.
the two fish by themselves will help the biofilter continue it's growth.
you could throw three yellow tail damsels in instead and buy your lot after a few weeks.


Thanks for the replies guys, yeah, I've opted not to buy everything all at once. I went to my LFS today to see if they still had these really nice false perculas that they had last week, unfortunately they were already sold. So I guess I'm going to buy my clean-up crew first. Any suggestions on where to get em online?


There are packages on this site as well as build your own packages. I would go ahead and put some fish in there too even if they are just damsels now if you are going to do the cleanup crew maybe to give them something to clean up after. I think adding the few fish with the cleanup crew isn't the problem it is just adding too many fish at once. Too bad about the clowns I have my twowho pal around together and are very fun and always following me a round hoping to get fed when I am looking at the tank.

sinner's girl

we got a U-build it clean up crew from here. most are still alive 7 months later (what isn't alive was lunch by another).
clean up crew can add alot to a tank imo. a star or two, a crab, snails, hermits,
it depends on how much you want/can spend and how big you want your clean up crew to be. it was a deal getting what we got here and not at a lfs...
good luck