I think I'm ready for fish



My tank cycled two weeks ago and I have had 5 Green Chromis making themselves at home for the past two weeks, So now I am ready to add 2 clownfish and wait until I can get a Blue Hippo Tang, so my question is do I take out some of the Green Chromis, or do I let them stay until I need the room? I would like to keep some but no more than three.
Also if I am going to make a water change before putting in the clowns how long should I wait after the water change?
Thanks all for your help.


i would leave them in. they look nice when they school. i guess u can take them out if u want different fish. or do like u said take out 2 of them. y did u put them in there in the first place? to help the cycle? u should have used a shrimp. i would do the water change first then put the clowns in there. u really dont have to wait, maybe 5 mins till the water settles. it would put stress on the fish if u put them in there first. they're already stressed enough.


I wouldn't recommend a hippo tang if you have a 50gal., they are fish who like to roam, and they waste away in smaller tanks. But about the chromis, if I were you I would go ahead and take about 2 back, because they like odd groups. My guess would be that if you take away 2 fish, they will be more accepting of 2 more. Also, make sure t change the water no less than a couple of days prior, so it has time to age and settle.



Originally posted by jobob
i would leave them in. they look nice when they school. i guess u can take them out if u want different fish. or do like u said take out 2 of them. y did u put them in there in the first place? to help the cycle? u should have used a shrimp. i would do the water change first then put the clowns in there. u really dont have to wait, maybe 5 mins till the water settles. it would put stress on the fish if u put them in there first. they're already stressed enough.

I put the chromis in because I wanted to make sure that the tank had cycled properly, If I was going to lose fish I would rather lose inexpensive fish, since I lost two when I first put them in I replaced them with 3 more and then we added two more just to be sure.
Ok, so if my tank is too small for Tangs, what can I add for color?


There are many smaller, beautiful fish that are options. Dottybacks are extremely colorful and harder to kill than damsels in my opinion, but they are also territorial. Grammas are also colorful, but too, one to a tank. Hawkfish are attractive, as are many gobies. And the group that probably offers the most in color and flamboyancy is probably the wrasses. Many are too large, but many are not, and they are just as colorful, I'm a fan of sixlines and bananas, but there are more with even more colors


dwarf angels, flame angel! i have a coral beauty. i have tangs in my 55, but they do have a home to go to when they get to big. wrasse are nice colors i have a sixline, if u are goin to have live rock. in like 6 months get a mandarin. clowns, gobies, their are tons of different gobies. get books and read about the fish before u buy them. u will know how big they get, what type of foods they eat, if they will get along with the other fish.