Just when everything was going great, and I mean great, another disaster.
35 gallon, LR, LS (a lot of LR), Prizm skimmer, lots of water movement. maroon clown, 1 yellow tail damsel, 1 yellow belly damsel. Choc chip Star, 5 Pep shrimp, 1 coral banded, usual cast of snails and hermits.
Water quality had been very good, with exception of a nitrate spike, water change lowered it back to normal limits.
"Anal" with water checks, every other day.
Tuesday night came home from parttime job and notice water seemed a little cloudy.
Panicked, clown dead, feather dusters tops turned milky and were discarded by the worm. Snails dead, starfish "melted". Water checked, ammonia high, nitrate 40..oh, and damsels also dead, yes damsels, you couldn't run them over with a truck and kill them and I somehow managed.
cleaned out tank yesterday, 1/2 water change, all dead snails removed, feather dusters "moved" inside tubes so kept those. carcasses of fish of course removed.
Water checked last night, ammonia still high, nitrate dropped, nitrite always has been, hardness and ph fine.
Water has an odor to it.
Could it be that the clams also perished and that is what is fouling water and causing ammonia spike.
Will go home today and again, take out all rock, smell for decay and discard if noticed. Another 1/2 of tank water change and will monitor, and folks if this doesn't work, its back to angel fish and cichlids.
I'm really frustrated, first time ich wiped out tank, then 30 days without fish, it worked, and this time the tank was beautiful.....
Local fish store mentioned I may be doing "too much" monitoring and not enough of letting it just happen. Tank has been up for 5 months.
35 gallon, LR, LS (a lot of LR), Prizm skimmer, lots of water movement. maroon clown, 1 yellow tail damsel, 1 yellow belly damsel. Choc chip Star, 5 Pep shrimp, 1 coral banded, usual cast of snails and hermits.
Water quality had been very good, with exception of a nitrate spike, water change lowered it back to normal limits.
"Anal" with water checks, every other day.
Tuesday night came home from parttime job and notice water seemed a little cloudy.
Panicked, clown dead, feather dusters tops turned milky and were discarded by the worm. Snails dead, starfish "melted". Water checked, ammonia high, nitrate 40..oh, and damsels also dead, yes damsels, you couldn't run them over with a truck and kill them and I somehow managed.
cleaned out tank yesterday, 1/2 water change, all dead snails removed, feather dusters "moved" inside tubes so kept those. carcasses of fish of course removed.
Water checked last night, ammonia still high, nitrate dropped, nitrite always has been, hardness and ph fine.
Water has an odor to it.
Could it be that the clams also perished and that is what is fouling water and causing ammonia spike.
Will go home today and again, take out all rock, smell for decay and discard if noticed. Another 1/2 of tank water change and will monitor, and folks if this doesn't work, its back to angel fish and cichlids.
I'm really frustrated, first time ich wiped out tank, then 30 days without fish, it worked, and this time the tank was beautiful.....
Local fish store mentioned I may be doing "too much" monitoring and not enough of letting it just happen. Tank has been up for 5 months.