i think its pretty safe to sayyy


its kinda a dumb question
i know condys dont usually host
but theres the rare chance
my false perc just swam too close and got zapped
sooo is it safe to say theyll never host it?


Your condi will eat your clown. They are from different places. Where the condi is from there are no clowns to host them and where there are clowns there are no condi's so they don't know that they are in trouble.


Let me start by saying the following is my opinion guided by research and lots of talking with people who own condys and clowns. I have a condy and clowns, while mine have only been in the same tank for a month i have talked to many people who have had clowns in with their condys for 2-5 years with no issues. Many of them dont post to avoid being flamed or called irrisponsible. I have seen more examples of clowns and condys just ignoring each other, or hosting than i have of them eating the fish. It seems to be there is a couple of variable that greatly effect your chances.
1 type of condy (C gigantia is most common to host anything in the wild even though clowns are not one of the things they host in nature. nobody who i have talked to has reported a C gigantia eating one of their clowns. This has not proven true for hatian or florida condys I have heard reports of both of these spieces eating clowns)
2 Size of anemone vs. clown If the clown is somewhat bigger than the anemones mouth it would appear they don't even bother. Keep in mind their mouth will strech.
3 aggression of clown If the clowns attempt to host right away this can mean trouble the anemone needs time to realise that the clowns are not preditors.
This is based on my research and experiences of others that have been relayed to me. Keep in mind these are living creatures and have a will of their own. You may or may not have an issue and it may or may not go by the variables i have noted. So i say yes it is possible that your clowns will be eaten but i personally do not belive that it is a given as many would have you belive.
IMO it is more likely that they will leave eachother alone. It is your tank and your fish. I was told here that my clowns would be eatten and/or fight to the death ( i have 3 that were raised together and put in my tank at the same time) and they are very happy and schooling. One has decided that it would like to try being a female and is growing quite fast as compared to the other two. All is well they are very happy and nobody has been eaten or fighting. The condy and the clowns could care less about each other and the clowns have taken to my mag-float. (It is really funny watching them try to feed it they get confused as to why it wont eat the stuff they keep bringing to it.) One of them even tried to host a CC star (the star was not overly thrilled with this as you can imagine.) but they leave the anemone alone. They do at times swim through his tenticles but he has not stung them yet and never made a move to grab them for a snack.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chano
anemone needs time to realise that the clowns are not preditors.
Anemones dont have brains, they are a bunch of nerves connected to the muscles and organs. They dont realize anything.


Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
Anemones dont have brains, they are a bunch of nerves connected to the muscles and organs. They dont realize anything.
This comment saddens me. I hope you do not own one of these creatures and if you do I honestly hope it finds a way to sting you on a certain pair of body parts that I really hope never go in your tank.
If they dont realise anything how do they know they are not getting enough light and are able to move to a spot that will be better for them? They would have to,
A: realise they are not getting enough light
B: be able to realise when they are getting enough light and
C:realise they should stop moving.
I bet almost everyone that has owned an anemone has had this happen. If you have and anemone you must not pay much attention to it they are a lot smarter than you give them credit for. What exactly do you think a brain is? It is nothing more than a mass of nerve cells.


thanks alot for the info!
but on another note
you might wanna think about removing your CC
i woke up to mine on top of my condy eating it
theyre complelty not reef safe
just my opinion tho


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
Anemones dont have brains, they are a bunch of nerves connected to the muscles and organs. They dont realize anything.

I`ll second that . Chano I think you need to read up on the anatomy of anemones . Also who`s to say your research is just someones opinion ? Anemones are basically bags of water with nerves , organs , and muscles .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dawman
I`ll second that . Chano I think you need to read up on the anatomy of anemones . Also who`s to say your research is just someones opinion ? Anemones are basically bags of water with nerves , organs , and muscles .

And I 3rd.....
"If they dont realise anything how do they know they are not getting enough light and are able to move to a spot that will be better for them?"
IMO your getting cognitive reasoning confused with instinct.
Ex. Dogs dont know why they feel the need to roll in something that stinks, weather it be garbage, rotten food or a dead animal. They just know they have too, that has nothing to do with using their brain. Its their animal instincs telling them that "hey you need to hide your scent or prey will detect you, here roll in this" Same with the anem, instinct is controlling what they do.


Well you are free to belive what you wish many belive animals dont have personalities as well. How can they follow instinct if they cant process information. Anyhow not worth arguing over belive what you will and i will do the same.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chano
How can they follow instinct if they cant process information. .
Ummm thats why they call it instict... there is no process its driven through evolution written into their dna as what to do and when. Opinions are opinons I agree and believing what you want is your choice however disputing fact with opionion is where information is misleading. These are things that are based on science not opinions.


Actually instinct is not controlled by DNA. DNA is a blueprint for the construction of the organisim. Very little is actually understood about instinct in animals. In humans instinct has been shown to come from the subconcious. So scientifically one can assume it would not be much different in animals. Just because they dont have what you would consider a brain means very little. You all agree they are "basically bags of water with nerves , organs , and muscles" Well there has to be a center to the nervous system or the nerves would be useless as no synaps (spelling?) could be transfered from the nerve tissues to the muscle allowing the organisim to move. Reguardless i really have no intrest in debating this any further so dont bother wasting your time to post your counterpoints as i will not be reading them. You are welcome to belive what you consider fact but dont call it science when you cannot have anything to back it up because the instincts you are agueing about are not understood by science, therefore not understood by you or I. We can form what we consider to be educated guesses but they are at best just that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by donald
Your condi will eat your clown. They are from different places. Where the condi is from there are no clowns to host them and where there are clowns there are no condi's so they don't know that they are in trouble.
While there are no "clownfish" in the Caribbean, there are many species of damsels (same family as Clowns) and they sometimes do host; at least in the wild.
As for the "brain" debate, I believe the truth lies somewhere in-between. While they don't have a centralized "brain", clearly they have some CNS that controls their behavior.


Hey all, just read this post. I didnt know about not having condy's and clowns. I had a condy, at least what I thought was a condy, and I had a clown fish always hosting it and at times my black domino damsel hosted it too! Maybe it wasnt a condy. I'll try to find some pics and post them. I know longer have the anenome. I have T5 lighting, which is not enough. Lesson learned, have not purchased anymore. Although it seems like it was doing well for about a year, then started doing the wandering thing and kept getting sucked up into the filter feed. It eventually died.