I think my anemone ate my RL Blenny


I saw my relatively new Red Lip Blenny yesterday & when I got home today my boyfriend said he hadn't seem him all day. There's something dark in the anemone's column & I just saw a peppermint shrimp standing IN THE ANEMONE trying to pull something out of it's mouth. Is my assumption that the anemone ate the blenny correct?
If so, RIP little Hermes.


this is probably the case. this has happened to me to. I had a bonded anenome with clown pair and the anenome ate the clown and then died from eating to much. So consider urself lucky.


Originally Posted by mdog30001
this is probably the case. this has happened to me to. I had a bonded anenome with clown pair and the anenome ate the clown and then died from eating to much. So consider urself lucky.
Ummm, definitely not lucky. It was a long tentacle anemone, by the way. I use the past tense because, like yours, he was almost dead this morning after eating the blenny. I took him out & floated him in a plastic bowl with some water in it to make sure that he was dying & wouldn't harm the tank. I just got home, he's dead & had expelled what remained of the blenny from his stomach. The really sucky part, aside from losing two animals in two days, was that I was about to trade in the anemone because he had moved to the back of the tank since I got rid of his maroon clown buddy & I knew he couldn't be gettting enough light back there. I had had him almost a year. And the poor blenny... he was so friendly. Sorry about the ramble, I'm just really discouraged right now.