I think my Cleaner shrimp going to have babies


Active Member
My Cleaner Shrimp has green larva egg looking things coating his underside , story is I added another smaller cleaner shrimp to my tank about 2 weeks ago , im wondering if they possibly mated and now my oldest shrimp is pregnant or (Grabbed)
does anybody have expeirience with this , or know what it may be ..... if its possible to successfully hatch them I plan to move them to a seprate tank ..... also does this mean my shrimp are a mated pair now?


Cleaners Frequently Mate And Have Eggs, But Rarely Do They Survive-either Get Eaten Or Scooped Up In The Filter System-good Luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Granny
Cleaners Frequently Mate And Have Eggs, But Rarely Do They Survive-either Get Eaten Or Scooped Up In The Filter System-good Luck!

Granny is right, unfortunately.


my cleaner shrimp has allways got eggs but nothing ever comes if i actully seen it eating the eggs itself while they were still attached to it so i wouldnt get your hopes up if i were you.


Active Member
I agree it is very difficult to raise the babies, just be happy your tank is providing natural food.
I purposly keep two cleaner shrimp in my tanks for this very reason, good source of natural food.


New Member
I have two peppermint shrimp that have white eggs under their abdomen. I've noticed that their apatites ahve increased alot. Do you know when or if the eggs hatch do they float free in the tank or will the hide in the rocks?