I think my condi ate one of my cleaner shrimp?


Has anyone every heard of a condi eating a cleaner shrimp. I'm not for sure if that is what happened, but I don't see him anywhere, and he stayed right beside the anem.
After they molt will they hide for a while? There was a molt floating in the tank, but it looked like it was off of one of the peppermints.


From what I have heard, condy's are very unpredictable. They could possibly eat the shrimp but I think your shrimp is probably just hiding because of a molt. How long has it been missing. I have 2 shrimp w/ my condy and at first was really freeked out when they would try and snatch the food out of the condy's grasp. It still scares me when they get close to its mouth.


Active Member
It is possible that the anemone could have eaten him, but if it is the cleaner shrimp's molt then I would think more that he might just be hiding. What other inhabitants do you have in your tank?

nm reef

Active Member
Very possible that the condi had a snack...but since you saw a molt it is also possible the shrimp is laying low for a while. Hopefully it'll re-appear and all will be well. Both of my cleaner shrimp hide for a few days after molting....but I don't keep a condi in my reef so I've got no concerns about them munching my shrimp.:cool:


I had my other cleaner shrimp come up missing today. I got to looking for him and caught the culprit red handed.

Freakin CBS. $6.00 shrimp ate $35.00 worth of cleaners. I noticed he kind of harrassed the peppermints a little, but nothing serious. I have 5 peppermints, and he has not harmed them at all. I didn't think he could be no where fast enough to catch the cleaners.
Well I really liked my cleaners, so any ideas on how to get the CBS out so I can take him to the LFS. I don't have a belt small enough to spank him with, and it would be hard to make him stand in the corner. :D


That's a pain in the butt...lol. My BTA ate my cleaner shrimp. Thinking of returning him to the LFS/jailhouse.