i think my coral beauty has ich


i notice this morning thier was white spots on my cb so i think its ich what type of hopistal tank should i set up


set up a 30 gallon, with water from your main display so it does not have to cycle and treat the tank with cooper.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hapshot
set up a 30 gallon, with water from your main display so it does not have to cycle and treat the tank with cooper.

IT WILL STILL CYCLE! The biological stuff that keeps your tank form cycling is in the rock, sand, filter etc.. not the water!


oh forgot to mention put some sand in there as well not the rock b/c it will get killed by the cooper, so it does not have to cycle.


Active Member
Are you going to use hypo or copper? Either way, if you have LR or LS in there it will kill it and then you will have an ammonia spike. That's why most people have no substrate or LR in their QT tanks.
It may be better to do water changes everyday and syphon out all uneaten feed immediately to prevent it from going into a cycle. Just be sure to monitor your levels very closely.