I think my feather duster is dead


Active Member
I'm not sure but I think my feather duster is dead. He left his tube the other day and I thought he was making a new one. He is completley covered in sand. His lower part was exposed for awhile and the crown was our for a while but now he is completely covered with sand. No movement or anything. I haven't seen its' crown all day. How can I tell if it's dead?


Active Member
Fether dusters are known to leave the tube rarely. They use sand and exceretions to make a new one, so more than likely his is just making a new tube. I wouldn't worry too much.
If he was dying, he probably would have just stayed in his tube and died.


More then likely your feather duster is going to die. Has it lost his crown? Usually when they leave their tube it is to die.


Active Member
None of the people who have posted here about their dusters leaving the tube or losing the crown have lost theirs. At least not the 5+ posts I have read. Give him a few days.


Active Member
It hasn't lost its' crown. The whole worm is completely engulfed in sand. The crown was protruding yesterday but today it is completley hidden.


know what i was just going to post about this. i took my UGF out of my tank last night, and took the oppertunity to swap some of my fake coral with some nice LR. well i think i hurt the little bugger in getting him out of the old coral. when i got the tank all up and running again my other dusters opened full force and this guy in 3 hours hasnt moved. how resiliant are these guys. he has survived lots of abuse in my tank so i assumed he was hearty but maybe not. and extra advice?


Active Member
It's still alive. Part of its' foot? leg? lower section was uncovered today and it was moving around. So for now, it's still alive.