I think my fish are afraid of the dark?


They were in their cave(s) when I came home and I thought they were sick because when they came out they were swimming slow not hardly moving, so I tested the levels and they were all 0 and PH was normal, then I turned the light on the tank and went to the bathroom, when I came back they were buzzing by swimming after each other.


Active Member
They were just sleeping...when you turned on the lights, they started waking up. When you came back, they were wide awake...
I take a little while to wake up in the morning myself...they just hadn't had their coffee yet...:D


I have 7 Green Chromis and they disappear at lights out. In fact, about an hour before the timer turns off the lights, they start looking into caves and jockeying for position. It is the only time that they show any kind of agressiveness. In the morning, when the lights come on, they start appearing, one by one.
The other thing that I've noticed about them is that during the day, with my office lights on, they kind of scatter around the entire tank, checking the water column for food. When I turn off my office lights, they immediately make a dash for the center of the tank which is lit by 70 watts of NO florescents over the center of tank. Each end of the tank is pretty dark. When I turn on the office lights, they spread out around the tank again.
I think that they are afraid of the dark :scared:
Here's what it looks like with the office lights out:


ooh, I love your tank! I just have a Domino Damsel and Clarkii Clown and they seem to like each other, The only thing is ... they try to race and sometimes the Clarkii hits the side of the tank lol... But supposedly that is alright?


Are you sure they are "racing" and not the domino chasing the clown. If the domino is chasing the clown that might not be very good for its well being. Just a thought.


Active Member
I think if the Clarki is going to continue racing he might want to get a roll cage and a helmet. He doesn't sound like he's too graceful of a driver.