I think my Lion is dying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have a 55 gal. that has been up and running for the better part of a year now.
Eveything has been fine, Testing wise.
temp- 79-80
Today I discovered that my pink tip has finally croaked
. When I attempted and finally did scoop it out, it caused a HUGE mess in my tank.
I immediately started worrying about ammonia. Unfortunately, I am out of tests for this!!!! And my lfs is closed today!!! :scared:
My lionfish is breathing super hard and continues to stay at the bottom.
He isn't laying on his side yet but I fear it isn't too long before he does.
All my other fish seem to be doing great. But I know that lions are pretty sensitive to ammonia.
What should I do? Is there anything that I can do?
I thought about water change but worry that it will cause more stress.
:help: :help: :help:
Thanks in advance

30-xtra high

Active Member
doa 50% water change, when anemones die as you might know they let out all the waste and toxins inside of them, you should have scooped it out with a plastic tank, so when you moved it everything fell into the little tank, but you need to clean your water fast, you'll be lucky if the lion lives, nothing you can really do but water change..


Oh no!!!!
That was early this morning!!!
I am totally going to cry thanks for the advice though.
I am gone to do that right now!!!


Active Member
You can also put some Amquel or a similar product in the water. I don't usually use it, but for emergencies like this it might help.


What is that? I have never heard of it(no surprise).
What does it do?
I have melafix.?
I did the water change, he is still breathing hard but at least now he is hanging out vertically on the rocks.
it gives me a little hope. If you don't really consider that anything to get excited about, please don't tell me.
He is my favorite, and hope is all I have at this point.


Active Member
Amquell plus is a product that reduces the toxicity of ammonia nitrite and reduces the effectiveness of pheremones. it does not remove them from the water but can reduce the toxicity. its the only water conditioner I use. its great for what it does, the pheremone reduction factor is my favorite because fish exude pheremones that can reduuce the growth rate of other fish in the tank. and blah blah, I could go on and on about it but you really only need to know about the ammonia and nitrate detoxification capability, it couldnt really hurt much exept that it can reduce oxygen exchange so if your lion is breathing heavy its iffy whether or not to use it.
dont add mela fix that seriously reduces your waters air exchange rate.


Thank you!!! I will have to get some!
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
dont add mela fix that seriously reduces your waters air exchange rate.

And thank you again, I was debating on putting a little in.
Not now!

You have been an enormous help, thank you so much


Thanks everyone!!
He pulled through the night.
I am not getting my hopes completely up though, he still seems stressed.


Okay everyone,
The tank seems to be back to normal and a-okay. Salinity is a little lower than I like but everything else is good.
Eveyone is doing fine and my lion is eating again. :cheer:
Thank you sooo much for everyone's help. I probably would have lost him without all of your help :scared:

Just wanted to give ya'll an update and let ya know how much I appreciated you.
I think I am going to name the lion "Lucky".
I know it is cliche' but it's true!!!
Thanks again to everyone!
:cheer: :joy: :happyfish


Active Member
So glad to hear your lion pulled through!!!! Do you have a picture of Lucky? I learned from the folks here that you can determine the --- of a fuzzy dwarf by the number of stripes on their fins. 4-6 female 7-10 male.


I also found that out shortly after getting him.
He has eight.
I wonder how hard it would be to get him a girlfriend?
I have a new found respect for his species
, they are little tuffies
No, no pics yet, as soon as I find the adapter to my cell, it's on though


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
I also found that out shortly after getting him.
He has eight.
I wonder how hard it would be to get him a girlfriend?
I have a new found respect for his species
, they are little tuffies
No, no pics yet, as soon as I find the adapter to my cell, it's on though

Cool. Hope you find that cable soon. I just started a pic thread for fuzzy dwarfs so you gotta post!!!