I think my lion is dying!!!!!!


I don't seem to be getting any help in new hobbyists forum, hopefully that will change in here.
I have a 55 gal. that has been up and running for the better part of a year now.
Eveything has been fine, Testing wise.
temp- 79-80
Today I discovered that my pink tip has finally croaked
. When I attempted and finally did scoop it out, it caused a HUGE mess in my tank.
I immediately started worrying about ammonia. Unfortunately, I am out of tests for this!!!! And my lfs is closed today!!! :scared:
My lionfish is breathing super hard and continues to stay at the bottom.
He isn't laying on his side yet but I fear it isn't too long before he does.
All my other fish seem to be doing great. But I know that lions are pretty sensitive to ammonia.
What should I do? Is there anything that I can do?
I thought about water change but worry that it will cause more stress.
:help: :help: :help:
Thanks in advance


Active Member
put the fish in ur qt, do a water change and evrything to make sure no ammonia or trites r still there. what r tankmates?


Beu gregory damsel
Blue Damsel
Coral banded
Royal gramma
2 scarlett hermit
Chocolate chip star
yellow tang (yes I am saving to upgrade)
One problem. After getting on here alot I finally realized that I needed a qt.
Unfortunately, it is still cycling
only had up for 2 weeks.
I am soooo screwed aren't I? (I hope I can say that)
Thanks for replying


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
Beu gregory damsel
Blue Damsel
Coral banded
Royal gramma
2 scarlett hermit
Chocolate chip star
yellow tang (yes I am saving to upgrade)
One problem. After getting on here alot I finally realized that I needed a qt.
Unfortunately, it is still cycling
only had up for 2 weeks.
I am soooo screwed aren't I? (I hope I can say that)
Thanks for replying
hmm, well w/o parameters im not quite sure what to tell u, is there any way u can tell us other parameters? btw if i wer u id get a liquid test kit, i do a test evry week and have had it since last june


Active Member
Do a large water change with some aged/aerated saltwater. Hopefully you have some pre-mixed saltwater on hand. If not start now and let it mix for well for at least a few hours. Use a powerhead and heater.
This will not stress the fish and will dilute any toxins in the tank.


Thank you sooo much. I just did that.
Someone in another forum suggested the water change and said that I probably wouldn't save the lion.
I guess there is nothing left to do now but wait and see .

Hopefully he will pull through, He is my favorite.


Originally Posted by iampumpkinman
Is there any other lfs around you that you can go to and get another test kit?
good luck..

Unfortunately, I live in a speck in the road. My lfs is actually a joke and the nearest one is two hours away.

It is my stupidity, i should have never let myself run out. :notsure:
Trust, that after this, it will NEVER happen again.


I see you did the large water change, make up some more water and get ready for another one........ If need be, do another water change later tonight or in the morning.
Anytime you think things are not right with your tank and are out of test kits, always do a water change.


:cheer: Thank you to everyone!!!!!
My lionfish seems to have pulled through!
He isn't out of the darkness yet though, now he won't eat.
He looks at it, but doesn't pursue in enough time before the others get it. I think that maybe he is still just really stressed.
I will continue to try though. Going to get some tests!!!
Thanks again everyone :cheer:


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
:cheer: Thank you to everyone!!!!!
My lionfish seems to have pulled through!
He isn't out of the darkness yet though, now he won't eat.
He looks at it, but doesn't pursue in enough time before the others get it. I think that maybe he is still just really stressed.
I will continue to try though. Going to get some tests!!!
Thanks again everyone :cheer:
good good, now to get him eating again. u have done it b4 rite? so just copy what u did


What are you feeding him? I hope not gold fish. hey have large skuls and sometimes get stuck in the digestive track. I've seen any of lions go that way. Think about.....gold fish don't live in the ocean, so why feed them to our fish?

30-xtra high

Active Member
now i wouldn't say never feed a goldfish.. if your lion goes a week or two without eating.. try a goldfish, don't make that it's diet.. but at least if it's starving the goldfish will help keep it alive till it eats krill or shrimp again. first i'd say try some mysis.
if its diet is just freshwater fish.. it will die soon, fw fish are full of fat and nothing else.


Try silversides. They have smaller skulls and ny triggers go crazy for them.


Okay everyone,
The tank seems to be back to normal and a-okay. Salinity is a little lower than I like but everything else is good.
Eveyone is doing fine and my lion is eating again. :cheer:
I feed him a large variety, he is quite small right now(dwarf fuzzy) but, silverside pieces, shrimp and to really get him excited the occasional live guppy. He has been a good eater since I got him. I am just glad he is eating again. :joy:
Thank you sooo much for everyone's help. and concern. I probably would have lost him without all of your help :scared:

Just wanted to give ya'll an update and let ya know how much I appreciated you.
I think I am going to name the lion "Lucky".
I know it is cliche' but it's true!!!
Thanks again to everyone!
:cheer: :joy: :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
now i wouldn't say never feed a goldfish.. if your lion goes a week or two without eating.. try a goldfish, don't make that it's diet.. but at least if it's starving the goldfish will help keep it alive till it eats krill or shrimp again. first i'd say try some mysis.
if its diet is just freshwater fish.. it will die soon, fw fish are full of fat and nothing else.
Just to clarify some advice given, freshwater fish will do nothing for a lionfish except make them even more unhealthy. Lions could go a month without eating.

30-xtra high

Active Member
if a lion was starving to death.. and ate a goldfish.. it would live longer than if it didn't.., just saying, cause sometimes they get so stressed they end up not eating, and later dieing, goldfish aren't good for them.. but dieing isn't good for them either, lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
if a lion was starving to death.. and ate a goldfish.. it would live longer than if it didn't.., just saying, cause sometimes they get so stressed they end up not eating, and later dieing, goldfish aren't good for them.. but dieing isn't good for them either, lol
True, but that would STILL cause them to not get anything beneficial and making it harder to get them to get to eat something that is good for them.


Well-Known Member
Gut-loaded ghost shrimp are a great idea, but around here (Long Island) I haven't seen them in any lfs. Goldfish aren't going to kill a lionfish unless that is its diet for years on end. Freshwater fish have a different fatty composition that eventually leads to fatty liver disease, and death. The key word is "eventually". Before I knew about this (30 years ago) I successfully raised a volitans to full adult size and 4 years survival on goldfish and an occasional guppy. Granted, it probably would have survived longer on a healthy diet, but it didn't die quickly either. That's why I feel that goldfish are fine as a temporary measure while training a lionfish to take healthier foods.