I think my NEW cleaner shrimp is dead!


I just got a cleaner shrimp today from swf.com and acclimated him exactly how I was instructed to do from this site. He was alive when I started acclimating him but when he went into the tank he looked dead. Right now he has about 4 snails on him and is not moving at all. I know some of you have said that it may take him some time but I want to get him out if he is dead so I can send him back. Any thoughts or ideas on what I should do? Please help....
PS...all parameters in the tank look great. I wouldn't be so worried if the snails were not have a feeding frenzy on my little shrimp!


how did you acclimate him and how long for? inverts can be very fragile especially with regards to pH when introducing him to new conditions.


I drip acclimated him for 3 hours and my pH is 8.2. I am just really confused what went wrong. Do you think he is dead since the snails are all over him? Should I remove him from the tank?


any improvement? If not in an hour at the most, I would say try to touch him, adn if it still does not move, I hate to say it, but I think it may be doomed. Sorry,best wishes.


Thank you! I will check on him again in an hour and see if there is any improvement. I am thinking that you are right in that he is a doomer. I was really looking forward to watching him! I probably should have taken a $20 bill, cut it up in little pieces, and fed it to the snails instead...haha. Better luck next time


your pH may be 8.2 but the water he came in might not have been. Sorry. No one likes losing livestock....


Well, I gave him an hour and I have to say that he has made no improvement. I am going to take him out and give it another shot in a few weeks. Thanks everyone!