I am not sure, I saw a few little tiny white dots on him a second ago. I dont want it to get any worse if it is ich. Could it be an external parasite? SHould I wait and see if it goes away or gets worse, then treat it? Or should I be safe and hypo my tank. Its a FOWLR with only 2 Clowns, the Powder Brown Tang, and a Yellow Watchmen Goby. I think it would be safe to hypo my tank, but I am wondering... I am picking up a Sailfin Tang next week (Thursday). Is it OK to SLOWLY and I mean SUPER SLOWLY acclimate him to my hypo'd tank? I thought it would be better, because if he had a disease, it would be gone. So, what do you think?
I looked through the FAQ and saw the ich, it looks like the Powder Blue Tang, but with only a few dots on him. So hopefully, wheter its a parasite or ich, it will die if I hypo the tank.
I looked through the FAQ and saw the ich, it looks like the Powder Blue Tang, but with only a few dots on him. So hopefully, wheter its a parasite or ich, it will die if I hypo the tank.