I think my new PBT has ich


I am not sure, I saw a few little tiny white dots on him a second ago. I dont want it to get any worse if it is ich. Could it be an external parasite? SHould I wait and see if it goes away or gets worse, then treat it? Or should I be safe and hypo my tank. Its a FOWLR with only 2 Clowns, the Powder Brown Tang, and a Yellow Watchmen Goby. I think it would be safe to hypo my tank, but I am wondering... I am picking up a Sailfin Tang next week (Thursday). Is it OK to SLOWLY and I mean SUPER SLOWLY acclimate him to my hypo'd tank? I thought it would be better, because if he had a disease, it would be gone. So, what do you think?
I looked through the FAQ and saw the ich, it looks like the Powder Blue Tang, but with only a few dots on him. So hopefully, wheter its a parasite or ich, it will die if I hypo the tank.


EDIT: He now has even more white dots on him. They are all the same size (very small). Please help! I want to begin hypo or a medication ASAP if its a parasite or ich!!!


Active Member
No offense but between a moorish idol, powder blue tang and powder brown tank in what, a 55 gallon tank, this problem is pretty predictable. You have chosen 3 very delicate fish that need large tanks. My opinion is that you may be able to keep one of the tangs but get rid of the other. If the powder blue is already sick, I think this will be a recurring problem for that fish in your tank. Save yourself the headache and get rid of it. JMO.
Also the fact that you got the 2 tangs and a butterfly within the last 10 days, while your idol was already sick, was also a mistake. Slow down... your tank is new. The results will be much better for you.


none of this fish will be happy in your tank. the only tang that you tank can sustain is a cole tang or maybe a small foxface. don't get mad and don't listen like a lot of people on this site. your fish will not get better so just do them a favor and find them a nice new home.


Active Member
What happened to the raccoon butterfly? With all the problems you're having, are you still planning to pick up a sailfin next week? You should generally wait a month before adding fish. It appears from your threads that you will have added about 4 or 5 large fish this month to a new tank.
And you should never add a fish to a tank that is already infected with a disease.


Active Member
if your SWF.com name is true, you wouldnt have most of those fish in a 55 gallon, if you really love fish, id say with the fish you have they should be in AT LEAST a 250 gallon!


I dont have a Powder Blue Tang guys! I only have a Powder Brown Tang! And I ghave the Raccoon back, and the Moorish dies (go figure). So now all I have is 2 Clowns, Yellow Watchman Goby, and the Powder BROWN Tang. So thanks for the help anyways...
And FYI... the dots are gone on him, so thanks for the help... :-(
I do love fish.
EDIT: I am not getting a Sailfin, thought about it... but i think I was half asleep. LOL


Originally Posted by crimzy
No offense but between a moorish idol, powder blue tang and powder brown tank in what, a 55 gallon tank, this problem is pretty predictable. You have chosen 3 very delicate fish that need large tanks. My opinion is that you may be able to keep one of the tangs but get rid of the other. If the powder blue is already sick, I think this will be a recurring problem for that fish in your tank. Save yourself the headache and get rid of it. JMO.
Also the fact that you got the 2 tangs and a butterfly within the last 10 days, while your idol was already sick, was also a mistake. Slow down... your tank is new. The results will be much better for you.
Thanks for that advice, and not being mean. But, I took some of your advice, and gave the Raccon back. Plus the Moorish dies. So now I only have the 4 fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by I<3Fish
Thanks for that advice, and not being mean. But, I took some of your advice, and gave the Raccon back. Plus the Moorish dies. So now I only have the 4 fish.
I apologize... I figured pbt was powder blue tang. In any event, I looked at your previous threads. When you started the tank, you proposed a fish list of smaller colorful fish. I think your original thoughts would work out a little better.


Yeah, but then I realized how much cooler bigger fish are. I wont be getting any bigger fish. But what about my Tang? Anything wrong with it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by I<3Fish
Yeah, but then I realized how much cooler bigger fish are. I wont be getting any bigger fish. But what about my Tang? Anything wrong with it?
Hard to say... you probably know that most people do not recommend those guys for 55's. But a lot of people have had success with 1 tang in a 55. If the spots went away and the fish is eating/has good color then it is probably ok for the timebeing. But the ich may come back. Just watch carefully. I wouldn't add anymore tangs. And you may want to invest in a uv sterilizer, but some think they are useless.


I wont add anymore Tangs. Never really planned on it. But, he has cleared up and is eating. So I am happy.


moorish idols are a very hard species to maintain and should only be take on by expert aquarists. also i hate to tell you but that tank is too small even for 1 powder brown. i don't think you quit realize how big they get. and a sailfin is definantely out of the question. do you know they get to the size of a large dinnerplate? your fish will get more and more stressed eventually die. just because the white spots are gone for now doesn't mean you fish isn't still stressing. powder browns are a peticularly delicate species.