I think some thing is going wrong in my tank>?!?!?!?!?!??!?!


New Member
I have a butt load of alge growing in the tank, some of it is "red" and my hatian anemone died and my other one shrunk to the size of a pea and i cant find it any more and my snails are acting weird and keep falling of the side of the glass, and my mushrooms are not as big and flourishing like they used to and my skooter blenny is just sitting under some live rock not doing any thing and didnt come out to eat when i fed my fish last. I currently have a Hawk fish, 2 clown fish, a skooter blenny, a lawnmower blenny, and a green chromis,and a mushroom rock, and 55 lbs of live rock in a 29 gal tank with a nice coral light on top of my tank i think its 2x65 wat balbs? and i have an emperor 400, and a prism protein skimmer, adn a medium sized power head..
but im wondering what might be going on.
if any one has some ideas please reply or e-mail me at icefire69@comcast.net
Thanks, Brad


Active Member
What are all of your levels, including ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, specific gravity, pH, temperature and alkalinity? Any recent water changes? Nitrate could explain the algae, but not necessarily the other behaviors of animals in the tank unless it was outrageously high, IMO.


New Member
well i had my water tested at a fish store near my house and they said that my levels were fine and that anemones die for no reason all the time and that my salinity was high but every thing else was fine. But they did give my some new product to put in my tank to possibly fix the prob and prevent ferther issues.