i think swf.com should start a chat room


Active Member
we all know who the day people are and the night owls are but it seems like you start responding 3-4 times you get jumped on a lot of us have nothing better to do at 3-4 in the morning and we are all friends here so whats the beef you can only follow threads so long and sometimes it feels good to just shoot the breeze and not have to talk about fish or hijack a thread unintentionally am i alone here on this or can i get an amen...tobin


Active Member
Not unless us Mods get paid if we have to monitor it, hehe.
That would be the most difficult part of it I see Tobin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Not unless us Mods get paid if we have to monitor it, hehe.
That would be the most difficult part of it I see Tobin.
well i think you mods should be paid anyway you give out tons of excellant info, ok what if us night owls started just a bs thread could we have the morning mod delete it and then start a new one the next day i'm sure we would keep it clean maybe a tad adult themed we are the ones that report a lot of ---- you know and do you guys at least get a discount from this site?...tobin


Active Member
im so for it, we could do a 3 strikes and your out kinda thing where users could notify someone if there is anything wrong...


Originally Posted by seasalt101
well i think you mods should be paid anyway you give out tons of excellant info, ok what if us night owls started just a bs thread could we have the morning mod delete it and then start a new one the next day i'm sure we would keep it clean maybe a tad adult themed we are the ones that report a lot of ---- you know and do you guys at least get a discount from this site?...tobin
Eeeww...I would not like a tad adult theme.Especially with the fact you could get a little 2 innapropiate,and then here comes along an 8 year old.Not a good idea.
Oh and Western State kids usually go look at this board right before there "bedtimes" it may be about 11:00pm here but on the east coast it is 2pm.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Seattle
Eeeww...I would not like a tad adult theme.
i'm not talking about what you are thinking about adults have stories about life and expieriences not about --- and immoral subjects just stuff adults can relate too like raising kids, learning to drive, the time they were so drunk, etc, i know there are young ones out there we are not out to corrupt the youth...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
i'm not talking about what you are thinking about adults have stories about life and expieriences not about --- and immoral subjects just stuff adults can relate too like raising kids, learning to drive, the time they were so drunk, etc, i know there are young ones out there we are not out to corrupt the youth...tobin
ya, just nothing too inapropriate... haha


Active Member
Just open a window in Yahoo messanger.
Open a room and most of us late night owls have Yahoo with same ID so quick postings can be done there.
just a thought.


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
well i think you mods should be paid anyway you give out tons of excellant info, ok what if us night owls started just a bs thread could we have the morning mod delete it and then start a new one the next day i'm sure we would keep it clean maybe a tad adult themed we are the ones that report a lot of ---- you know and do you guys at least get a discount from this site?...tobin
Guys, there are plenty of "nonsense" threads in the "aquarium". Knock yourselves out. BUT, no "adult" themes. This is a family site, and this site is visited by young and old around the world. What's late night to us isn't around the world. Feel free to start a "night owl" thread. If it gets out of hand though...
Thanks for the compliment. The other Mods are very educated. I've learned a ton from them.
The Admin let us Mods know if we ever needed anything to let them know. Honestly though I order from them just like everyone else. It's a great company and this is a great forum. I like to support that. I know the other Mods feel the same way.


Active Member
ok so we will start a night owl thread since we got the ok. for all the swf.com members that are up all night checking in but like journeyman said we have to keep it decent no 'adult' themes just a thread where we can say hey whats up and chat about our tanks and lives. thanx...tobin


Originally Posted by seasalt101
i'm not talking about what you are thinking about adults have stories about life and expieriences not about --- and immoral subjects just stuff adults can relate too like raising kids, learning to drive, the time they were so drunk, etc, i know there are young ones out there we are not out to corrupt the youth...tobin

Sounds alot better.


I wish there was a way to tell if you've been replied to, I'm still not sure if it's this boards "etiquette" or technology level. I post on a political board and you are able to tell immediately if someone has replied to your particular statement.
Right now, I click on my name, find all my posts and then see if there has been any new replies, or if someone has quoted me in a post. I click on "new posts" to see what's been replied and try to remember if it's a thread I've posted to previously.
If someone knows a better way than I've figured out here, then please tell me. Maybe I missed an option or button to click on. Subscribing to a thread and being notified by email seems antiquated and inefficient. I don't want it sound like bashing, I really do love this site, and made some new friends here.

Just wish this site was a bit more "user friendly"....

darthtang aw

Active Member
You can create your own chat forum. Just have everyone post their MSN messenger address for IM and create a SWF group and you guys could all talk that way. Problem solved you get a pseudo chatroom that does NOT need to be moderated by this site. Simple.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
You can create your own chat forum. Just have everyone post their MSN messenger address for IM and create a SWF group and you guys could all talk that way. Problem solved you get a pseudo chatroom that does NOT need to be moderated by this site. Simple.
thanks darth...tobin


Active Member
OK, let me climb on my soap box.

IMO, no chats on this site. Not even the threads. Say we go in, delete one every morning, and get lots of "hey why did you delete...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" No way.
And there is no way, regardless of what people say, that it will be kept "clean." That doesn't happen now with current "chat" threads which take up far too much room as it is, IMO. Heck, it didn't happen with the post a picture thread - which is the common fate for many of those types of threads in the past as well.
I am definitely a hard liner on this issue, having never been a particular fan of the Aquarium in general, and the trouble that often brews here. In some ways, people can have tremendous discussions on topics that wouldn't see the light of day on other sites...and I'm pretty proud of that...and then turn around with complete trash in other threads. And unfortunately many of the "other threads" dominate.
So I will never support the idea of a chat thread or section on this board. I think that there are many options available to people on the internet as mentioned above - lots of chat options. That is where it should go, IMO.


There has always been an MSN chat group. At its height, we had about 10 chatters at a time. We talked about everything under the sun.
The way we started is to have people post their MSN accounts. Each of us will add the other. Now and then, a person will start a conference and add everyone on the list. If you are busy or not feeling it, just drop out of the conference.
If you want to talk, add me: xstaseeXX@XXhotmailXX.com on MSN (Rem all 'XX's).


Originally Posted by ophiura
OK, let me climb on my soap box.

IMO, no chats on this site. Not even the threads.

So in other words, no discussions on a discussion site. Coming from a moderator that is almost a policy statement. Every thread description says to "discuss" a particular subject. As a new person, that's been a bit confusing, and it's good to now know.
From the time I've been on here, I've seen what I consider outstanding arrogance and condescension from many posters, and what seems like verbal browbeating of new people that have made mistakes. With a few exceptions, I have not seen a good welcoming of outsiders and new people like myself. The posting rules are vague, searching for information is difficult (unless you know the correct keywords) and alot of people, like myself, are scared to ask a question for fear of being jumped on.
I came here because I know NO-one that has a SW tank and I needed help and information. I tried to be a part of this community but now I'm not so sure I want to be. This place has the feel of a snobby private club, not a place for enthusiasts.


Active Member
Lovecraft- I completely agree. I've been on this site for a few years, and it HAS gone downhill. There use to be tons of polite, positive people on here and there still are some very good people with very helpful information. BUT, I have run into more rude, ungrateful degenerates on here in the past month than I know what to do with. I'm hesitant to offer help to a newb b/c I dont know if they are going to be a little snot-nosed punk about it or if they will act like an adult. And then there are the people who will throw their opinion out there and not be very tactful about it. And then people take offense to that and then the flame wars start. I also think it is impossible to keep a site that is composed of about 90% adults completely G-rated. Yes, I can understand not letting a conversation get explicit, but to say that minor

references and very light-hearted innuendoes are to adult for this site is a bit much. I could see how it had potential to go further, but it did not pass the limits of bad taste IMO.
Anyway, yeah, this is getting old. This board is getting too touchy, too political, too strict, too much..... I'm not saying I want to leave, I mean, you guys are like family. I just wish we could have a more pleasant atmosphere here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Seattle
Eeeww...I would not like a tad adult theme.Especially with the fact you could get a little 2 innapropiate,and then here comes along an 8 year old.Not a good idea.
Oh and Western State kids usually go look at this board right before there "bedtimes" it may be about 11:00pm here but on the east coast it is 2pm.
11pm on the west coast is 2am east coast not 2pm.