I think we're Growing Brine Shrimp......?


Active Member
We we're checking out all the little things growing in there. We thought all the little things growing we're cocopods, well after reading a new book and matching a picture with the little critter, we have come to the conclution that some of them are brine shrimp. Is this possible? They look just like the pics in the book...What do you think? Later Lisa :D
[ August 15, 2001: Message edited by: BLUEBERRYBOOMER ]


Active Member
Have you ever fed your tank with live brine? I guess it could be possible for a few to have survived to adulthood, maybe even reproduce.
Would be cool to have your own food source staying even/ahead of the predators.


Active Member
We feed frozen bine shrimp, I have never feed live. I'm totally geeked about this. I wonder if any could have come in on anything. I don't know, but it looks just like the pic in the book....Any and all info would be totally appreciated! Later Lisa


Maybe some thawed out and survived. Another thought is they came with the copepodes on LR and you just haven't noticed them until now.


you know i have the SAME things and when i first saw them i was thinking cryogenics?? naaaaaaahh, i guess they just sort of tagged along. kinda kool what YOU knoctice vs. what other people see when they look at your tanks huh??? they just see the big stuff, i get all excited over the tiny things that just show up from time to time


Active Member
Pat, yeah, my hubby(fixit) and I sit for hours looking for the little things in the sand and on the back of the glass, soo cool! We found something new today, it kinda looks like a nudibranch. Its white with, it looks like a bunch of califlowers all around it. I took some pics, just have to load my camera driver on our new pc to put it up, I'm interested in seeing what everyone thinks it is...I miss our old pc, its in the shop though, can't wait til it comes back, this is the kids pc we just bought for them... Later Lisa


My guess is that they probably are a type of copepod. Some of them look a lot like brine shrimp.
Brine shrimp aren't really found in reef enviroments naturally, so it's pretty unlikely that it came in with your live rock. Brine shrimp are actually from hypersaline lakes, like the Great Salt Lake in Utah.


New Member
We had the same thing happen to our tank...and came to the conclusion that our scooter blennies were having babies! It's probably little fish!


I saw some in my tank yestarday night,also I saw only one bristle worm a big worm and I dont like this things in my tank so Im gonna get a Arrow Crab and a Mandarinfish so they can consume this things.