i thnk someone just ate something


so i was just feeding my eel and wham he rips off the bobby pin i use to hold the food on the feeding stick and i think he ate it iam not sure does anyone know what is going to happen if he did eat it i am going to look on the sand bed for it some more any input would be helpfull plus I waited to see if he would puk it up and he didn't and just wanted more squid.


A similar event happened to my eel around a year ago. He ripped off part of my feeding stick, and I could see it in his stomach. It was stuck in there for a few days, then I just found it laying out on the sandbed. The only fear I had was the piece of wood piercing through his insides when he moved. I was watching a show on sharks quite a while ago and I remember them mentioning an interesting point about a sharks digestive system. It stated that if they consumed an object that could not be digested, it eventually gets worked out of the stomach and ejected. There could be a special term for this but I have no idea. I beleive sharks and eels share that same ability.


Maybe try using a magnet to locate the pin, hopefully the eel wont stick to the magnet and you can get the pin out of the sand before it causes some more problems.