I thought Anemone's are harder to keep than corals?


Active Member
I know there are alot of variables, but in general, which is harder?
Any comments would be great.


anemones are harder than corals. They require more light than most corals and perfect water conditions. Also, anemone's move around.

mpls man

Active Member
I've had a RBTA for over 2 yrs, has been very hardy for me, it lost almost all of the tenacles due to getting stuck on my intake, i pulled it off and it has re grown all the tenacles back.
what do you have for lighting?
i have 542 watts for my 75 and does very well.
make sure your water conditions are very good as well.


Active Member
I have a 110gal w/ 650w of Mh and 120w of pc.
I have had a carpet anemone and a pink tip for about a year.
The thing is... I have lost quite a few corals in the last 5 months and don't get why my anemones are still doing well. I would have thought if water qaulity was not good the anemone would die not the corals. As far as water quality nothing has spiked either and I know my lighting is fine. I want to buy more corals but don't want to waste my money until I figure out why this is happening.


Active Member
In my opinion, generally it is more difficult to keep anemones alive in a saltwater tank as compared to keeping most corals ..... generally.


Active Member
I have an Atlantic Carpet Anemone and Long Tenicle Pink Tip. Corals that have passed are zoa's, Red Sponge, Bubble Coral and thats all I can remember right now.


Thing is you can directly feed the anemone with both light and meaty foods, some corals are much harder to feed and phyto doens't always do the trick as it can be filtered out. For SPS corals size does matter for those tiny polyps to be able to catch particulate matter. Then anemones can be very delicate as well with regards to water chemistry.
Very nice to see you around Broomer5, you have been missed.



Thomas hit it on the head, corals also require more additives then an anemone does and more specific feeding habits. Ive had a LTA for over a year, it has survived 2 moves and a 16hr power outage...very hardy IMO. Ive even trimmed his arms back several times b/c they were in the 12-18" range, and he responds great every time.