I thought I was "smart" until



I start maintenance my own tank.
Tank is not cycling. After 8 weeks, chemical tests indicate the same values: amonia-0; nitrite-0.... Disturbing is the Nitrate - 20.
What can I do? The fishes and corals seem to well. But the Nitrate value bothers me.


Active Member
He said tank is not cycling.
What are the fish in the tank? How often do you feed? How often do you do water changes?


Do you mean that you got a new tank or you just stopped having people maintain your tank?
If you did the second one then it is not cycling because it already has and the -20 is probably because you measuring thing is wrong.


The maintenance company went bankrupt! So I say, I can do it and save $100/month.
Tank has been going all along. RO/Protein Skimmer/Chiller....
Fish - tang, potter, yellow-eye tang.
Corals - 8 - mushrooms, frog-spawn....
Feeding - once/2 days.
Snack - algea sheet - once/3 days.
I just remeasure. Nitrate is 20! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Masters, what should I do?


Active Member
Most tanks have trates, 20 is actually not very high. But if you want to lower them, do a larger then normal water change once a week till they are where you want them to be, its ok if they aren't at 0, most tanks aren't, including mine. I did 2 large water changes to get them down to 20 from 40, and everything, including sps are doing fine.


Active Member
I agree, 20 is not such an alarming number. If you want to the #'s down then you need to find the source of the problem. A lot of protein skimmers have micro-bubble filter boxs and the foam that's used inside can become built up with detritus. I had a small frag tank and I could not get the #'s down, once I cleaned this "hidden foam filter" the #'s went down. How much LR do you have? how often and what do you feed?


With corals 20 is a little high, you want it close to zero as possible. Higher Nitrates are fine with FOWLR. All you can really do is water changes.


Also...how much do you feed? What kind of cleaning crew do you have? Are you growing any macroalgae? What kind of filtration?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bellaroxio
I start maintenance my own tank.
After 8 weeks, chemical tests indicate the same values: amonia-0; nitrite-0.... Disturbing is the Nitrate - 20.
sounds like it cycled to me, those numbers and the fact the fish seem to be doing okay. I would.....well start maintenence (water changes) to get the nitrates down.