I took some pictures


Your choice in fish is very similar to mine. How long have you had the blueface & asfur together? I once had an asfur w/ my blueface. They lived in peace for 4 years until the blueface oneday decided he didn't want the asfur in his territory. They fought for about a week until the blueface killed the asfur. I think it was because the asfur started to mature. When I bought him he was only 1-2 inches long & the blueface was about 4-5 inches long. When he was killed he was about 4-5 inches long & the blueface was 6-7 inches long. He is now the definite king of the tank. I would really like to sell him to someone w/ a large tank but can't find any takers in my area. I'm afraid to trade him in @ the LFS fearing he would be sold to a novice & eventually be killed. As you can tell by my user name I think the blueface is one of the best looking fish there is!!!


I had them together about 8 month....
Blue Face was the first one added.. and soon as I put asfur
in there Asfur chase around blueface.. but blueface got bigger
and took that over.. now he is the king of the tank....
my friend has Emperor , Majestic and Blue Face togther...
his Emperor is king of the tank... I will add Emperor Angel
or Queen Angel month later.. I have 45Gallon QT tank..
which been setup for 2 month..... so If they dont get along...
45 gallon will be the place to put him
and I have a Question for you BlueFace
I will love to add Flame Hwak in my tank.. would he eat
my cleaner shirmp or small clowns?