I took the plunge......MY FIRST STICK!!!!



Very healthy looking coral. I was told a good indicator he likes the conditions of your system is the fact the meat has pulled back a little to expose the tips. those little white tips are the skeleton exposing itself to gather nutrients to stimulate growth I believe. Good luck in school. I'm on the 15 year plan with my degree...


Active Member
Mojoreef, how big is your aquarium?? It is drop dead gorgeous!! If you wouldnt mind would you give a list of specs and a livestock list? I saw some huge fish up in the corner of your tank. VERY NICELY DONE!!!


Originally Posted by Yeffre Kix
Thanks for the reply. It was even more impressive on your website ! I had to call in my other half to show her! "Look honey my tank isn't that crazy after all."
I'm blown away by the work you put into that set-up.
It's true, that's an unbelievable tank, tanks like yours motivate each of us. :happyfish


Active Member
Lockemup - The white tips are the new growth. As it gets bigger, flesh will start to cover. Are you a police officer? I have some friends up there you could put a good scare into for me..