i tradded my lunar wrasse in for a stars and stripe puffer


Awe man, I was really moved by the pic you posted.. that lunar was sooo pretty!! Too bad it was aggressive. Stars is cuter~!! They are really slow at attacking the feeder fish the lfs gives them!! ( I know they say this isn't a healty way to feed them but... oh well ) it's the lfs responsiblity


Active Member
My Lunar wrasse killed 3 of my shrimp and my Flame Angel before i was able to get him out! He was very mean, cool lookin fish though, but he wasnt worth the loss i had. Goodluck to ya.


Originally Posted by keonia
Awe man, I was really moved by the pic you posted.. that lunar was sooo pretty!! Too bad it was aggressive. Stars is cuter~!! They are really slow at attacking the feeder fish the lfs gives them!! ( I know they say this isn't a healty way to feed them but... oh well ) it's the lfs responsiblity
yeaaa thats why i got hher should i say, she was soooooo pretty,but she had an attitude, soooooooo the biatchhh had to go :yes: .. she caused to much drama in my tank


Active Member
Keep your purple lobster well fed. THey are oppurtune feeders and will eat whatever they can catch or trap including fish. Even if you keep the lobster fed there is no guarantee he will not eat your fish...especailly the smaller ones. You simply reduce the odds by spot feeding him ...but they will never be zero.


Active Member
of course the wrasee was going to eat the shrimp. you should have expected that when you got it as they are not reef safe and almost always eat shrimp.


Active Member
I would think the puffer and trigger might be interested in similar crustacean meals as well. Are you trying to do aggressive or a reef tank?


Active Member
That puffer is gonna love that $30 lobster eventually. I missed that...trigger too. No absolutes but if that puffer is big then that lobster is probably shaking in his shell!