I twanged my tang


I put this thread in the reef section even though its a fish behavior question because Ive noticed over the years the fish Ive kept act different in a reef versus a fish only set-up. So, here's the question. Ive had a blond naso tang for about two and a half or three months now, and when I first got em he wouldnt eat anything and trust me I tried it all. He finally ate after about six days when I rubberbanded a hunk of broccoli to the glass cleaner mag and sunk it. Whats wierd, I think, is even after all this time thats the only thing he will eat the other fish(tangs) will eat anything I throw at em. He does pick at the reef at times but, if I dont keep the broccoli in the tank his stomach starts shrinking. Then when I first put it in the tank he turns into Fat Albert within a couple of hours. Any Ideas? :notsure:


If that's what he likes to eat, then you better feed him with broccoli. I am assuming you are feeding your other fish frozen food. Try soaking the frozen food in with some garlic extreme from Kent. This product helps stimulate the fish to start eating.


Tangs are grazing fish. They spend all day picking at things (usually good LR) so the way you are doing it is actually correct if your LR doesnt have a lot of algae on it.
I feed mine with a grid salad clip, and put some tenura blue or frozen algae cubes in it. Since I have been doing that the last few weeks, my tang looks much fatter and happier. It seems that they do not like to eat all in one quick burst of feeding like most fish, but prefers to nibble over an extended period of time.


Thanks for the replies. I guess I will continue to feed em the broc. I just found it odd compared to my other tangs.


Try nori, a dried seaweed used in sushi. If you have a fuge feed it some macro algae from there. Broccoli probably doesn't have alot of the proper nutrients to sustain marine life long term.


I guess I shouldn't have said I tried everything, cuz I didnt try the nori. He will eat lettuce or spinach along with the broc if I put it on the clip. Its just weird that he wont touch anything thats floating in the water even if its right in front of his face weather its meaty or vegi


Go out and get a product called Zoe (made by Kent) and soak your Greens in there for about 1hr be for putting it in the tank. I had this problem when I had my BNT and after about 6 months he just started eating flakes??? good luck