I wanna see pix of your SPS corals!


Active Member
hey guys wow this is an older thread
since then my acros have grown out quit a bit
in that upper pic thats an acanthastrea lordhowensis... i also have a few nice acan subenchinatas ill share some pics in a few on the updates of some of the corals and some of my other lps corals


Active Member
yeah it is an older thread .. .I figured I'd give it a bump to see what else people had .. but murph I'm really interested in your tank .. have any other shots?


Active Member
well usually a frag would go for about 30-50 buck depending on if u got it from a store or a fellow reefer i got lucky enough to get it from another reefer out here close to me the whole colony was $80 buck so i couldnt pass it up and its color is so nice!
heres my favorite acan i have its so colorful

tx reef

Active Member
I have a poker star encrusting montipora that I will post a pic of later tonight.
I just got it in a trade.