Yup, got another vote for no more fish in that tank. The only fish that you could even consider would be super passive, gentle fish. And, in that size tank, your clowns are going to get really territorial towards it. Those clowns will end up being down right nasty to any other fish you add. Any fish that the clowns won't bother will have the opposite happen, the new fish with beat up the clowns, so either way you'd soon be back to 2 or one fish in the tank anyway. Save the money and the fish. The tank is just too small. Now, if you didn't have the clownfish, which are territorial, you could get away with maybe 3 or MAX 4 small fish in there. Like, 3 chromis or something. But, more isn't always better. You have your 2 clown fish, and even though you might be attracted to other fish, just stick with it. I can guarantee you that there is no way to improve on the tank, fish-stocking-wise. Clowns are the best. Be happy with your decision and wait till you upgrade your tank, or get 2 tanks to buy more fish.