i want a bigger eel

i currently have a eel from baja. i do not know what it is called but i know he is pretty cool. i was thinking about getting a 55g tank and getting him a whitemouth eel for a buddy. what do you guys think? or maybe just 2 white mouths. or what is the minimum for a tesselated. gimmi some opions here people


Active Member
Before adding anything else to the tank with him you need to identifiy him, and find out what's compatable with him.


Active Member
According to a reference I have, Whitemouths get pretty big...and aggressive. Never had one, though. And I agree you need to identify your other eel first.
55g is pretty small for most eels.
I agree with polar on this. Find out what you have first off, and a 55 is a little small for one of these. They will get to 40 inches but they are rather heavy bodied. They are also known for eating there tank mates. I would not put a white mouth in anything smaller than a 75.
As for a tessy, This is an eel that will reach 5+ feet. minimum for an adult would be a 125.


Active Member
Agreed. The bigger the better for this eel. Also, they grow faster than you think! Mine is already thickening up and getting longer, it seems, by the week!
There are several smaller morays you could consider in a 55g...check out my favorite eel source (since I can't find another one!) Reef Fishes, Volume 1 by Scott Michael. Lots of good info on morays: minimum tank size, suitability, aggression.
Why not post a pic of that Baja eel...lots of eel people on this board...we might be able to ID it for you.
However, if you decide to go with a big set up, I'd actually recommend the Tesselata. Wow, what an eel to behold! Unbelievable colors, very active, aggressive and fun to feed (unless it's your favorite Klunzinger Wrasse!). Oh yeah, don't put any fish in there with a Tesselata. A big BIG mistake I had to learn the hard way.


Active Member
not even a trig or a big angel?
At your own peril.
My wrasse was 7-8" and my 24" (at the time) Tesselata ate it in one gulp.
I even got a picture of it.
I wouldn't trust any moray with a fish, not even a snowflake.
Really take my word for it. I've had a Blackedge moray eat a lunar wrasse, my tesselata eat a Klunzinger wrasse, my snowflake eat a damsel, and my ghost moray (a fairly small, very thin eel) eat a fairly large false perc.
It took me THREE lessons to get it.


New Member
yea you've gotta watch moray's, mine ate a miniatus grouper before he got his own home and just this week he ate a hermit crab out of its shell