!!!!!!!!!!I Want A Camera!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Hi all i need a good digital camera now that my tank is up and running(10 gallon reef):cheer: so what is a good camera that wont put holes in my pockets post pics taken by your camera tell what type and how much


New Member
Check out ----. I just bought a new one and it didnt cost a fortune. digitrex costed about $75.00. that is about the best cheap one I could find. Go any cheaper and the camera is junk.


My cheap one is a Kodak Easyshare CX4200. I think it was around $100 or so. Great for snaps and easy to use.


New Member
Well depends on how much you want to spend I purchased the Minolta Dimage Z1. I think its the best camera. It's a 3.2 mega pixel camera. It takes real nice pics of my tank. I paid around 340.00 for it I believe....
I just bought a digital camera. Nikon coolpix 3200. It is a great camera i love it. It will set you back about $350 but it is definetely worth it. It takes amazing pictures and it also will take short video clips, with sound.
Here is a picture i recently took. Not from my aquarium but just as nice.
sorry if the pic is too big its a new computer and not quite sure how to use the photo editing program yet.
Don't you just hate technology at time... I attatched the picture, the first time it said it was too big, but not the second time....so why didnt it post.
I'll try it again.
BTW the pic is close up of a poppy.
The pics look much better at their original size.
Here is another, taken of the marsh across the street from my house.
And another close up, this time of the water running out of the marsh. The camera is great and it has many features. It has a setting that allows you to easily take panoramic pictures and the pic of the marsh is in fact just one of severl that go all the way around the marsh, you can take close ups, and back light pictures, and it also has some feature for night pictures that i have not yet had the time to explore. And what i have just listend isnt have of what it can do. Great for sports too.