i want a clam!!!!!!!!!!!!


what kind of lighting do the clams need?which one is easiest to take care of?the bulbs that come with your tank top are those good enough for it or an anomne??sorry for all questions at once i get so excited when i find something new i wish i could have every wierd thing the sea has to offer!!!!!!!!! :cheer:

nm reef

Active Member
Based on your previos posts and based on the assumption that you are just starting in this hobby...I'd say no to either now...but down the road...as you upgrade your equipment....gain experience and knowledge...them yup....both could be possible. For now I'd urge you to avoid either.

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by nicole05
what kind of lighting do the clams need?which one is easiest to take care of?the bulbs that come with your tank top are those good enough for it or an anomne??sorry for all questions at once i get so excited when i find something new i wish i could have every wierd thing the sea has to offer!!!!!!!!! :cheer:
Clams require intense lighting as well as a mature/stable system.
No....anonomes require intense lighting and a stable/mature system also....in all likely hood the lights that came with your tank just won't cut it.
Patience is vital....as is experience and knowledge.
Until you are ready to get your own I can tease you with these.....
....maybe it'll give you something to reach for....

nm reef

Active Member
Didn't intend to be mean.....and take my word for it...prior to making a livestock purchase try to gain as much information as you can first. Then use that information to make a decission on stock purchases. It'll work out much better for you and for your livestock. Patience and information are vital!


since i have the anomones already what kind of light should i get for them before i kill them? i have already had to say goodbye to my cc star


i am learning that i found this website two days ago and get remove myself from the pc
your clams are soooooooooo pretty

nm reef

Active Member
What size is your tank....how long has it been set up....what are your current results for temp/salinity/ammonia/nitrite/nitrate?
In general you'll need intense lighting.....most hobbyists would suggest MH's....but I've seen success with VHO's......but before I or anybody else could even begin to answer your question we'd need the information I requested.


If your CCS has already died, then you are deffinitely going to have problems with your new purchases. I would bring them back to the LFS you got them from Immedietely and demand a refund. MH lighting is best, and can be very expensive. I do not think your tank is mature enough even if you have correct lighting, especially considering CCS, I think you might have some larger problems. What are water parameters?


Sounds like your tank might not be fully cycled yet??
NitrIte and Am should be at zero once tank is completely cycled.
What size tank is it?
What did you cycle with?


55 gal i cycled with damsels because the lfs told me too i didnt no better at the time didnt even no what cycle ment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


my salinty level is at1.023 i think the lines are so small
i have not done my first water change yet wasnt sure about that till yesterday again i wasnt told about that
need to find new pet store


Don't worry about that, I did the exact same thing, cycling with a damsel, because my LFS told me that was what you do. I did not find this message board until about two weeks after I started to cycle. I have only had my tank for about four months now, I just got my MH lighting the other day, but have not hooked it up yet.
I also want to get some anemones and corals, and deffinitely some clams (how this thread started).
The hardest part about this hobby is the patience, at least for me because I am a very impatient person, that might come with being a guy, immediate gratification and all....
But that would be my main advice to you, just slow down and be patient,
As hard as it may be for me, I will actually wait at least another 2 months until I add any anemones or corals, and it will be hard. My water perameters have been constant for past 8 weeks. AM=0 trIte=0 trAte=20 salinity=1.025, temp=79.


thought last post was getting too long....
Anyway, I would deffinitely take new purchase back to LFS..Do they know that your tank is new and only 4 weeks old?? If they do then I would not go back there any more, to give them the benifit of the doubt maybe they did not know that, but they also should ask you when making purchases like that.
I would then wait another 3-4 weeks and let parameters stabilize before adding anything else, in the mean time stick with these message boards and you will gain an abundance of information.
Don't be afraid to ask any questions.