i want a clam!!!!!!!!!!!!


well i am a girl and insist on the instant gratification and all as well i really cant take anomones back should i purchases the light and hope for the best??? i will take the advice on being patient for sure but what do i do about the anomones? why do the LFS keep telling people to use live fish to cycle with??


yes the fish guy knew i was new i have been in there three times in one day to buy live rock didnt no much to get and have had several question about my new tank


When did you purchase anemones?
LFS should take them back, you will be surprised.
It sounds like you have done most of your shopping there, tell them if they would like to continue having your bussiness they will do this..I would still consider looking for a new one though.
The lights will deffinitely help if LFS will not take back though.


A thought..
If they do not want to give you $$ back, ask them for store credit and maybe get some more LR, this will also help your tanks filtration. How much do you currently have?


Originally Posted by J-Bird
ask for in regards to what?? lighting??
yes the lighting sorry is there a certain wattage?? :help:


i have about thirty lbs in there now but the guy also charges 8.00 a lbs and im afraid to order off line heard horro stories earlier


I also have a 55g, I just purchased 2 x 250 watt Metal Halides(MH), 500 watts total. Many anemones will do with approx. 5-6 watts per gallon, but some corals and things need more, that is why I got the extra so I am not limited down the road. I was also considering getting just one 400w MH, but found a very good deal on the two 250's. Check out the famous auction site, at least half the price you will find in a store. Also check the classified section of these message boards, a lot of good deals there, that is where I got mine.


yes, LR can be very expensive, I have about 60 pounds in my 55g, I am actually going to get another probably 30 pounds.
In regards to ordering online, I actually odered some off of this website and it was fine, a little die off due to shipping, but you can just rinse in salt water and do a little bit of scrubbing with brissle brush to get rid of any dieoff that occured while shipping, it is cheaper, but I really like picking out my own peices at LFS, I stop by there at least once a week to see if they got any cool peices in.
Also, look in the classified on these boards and there are often people selling there old LR for very cheap.


In the main message boards, where you can choose to go to...."New Hobbyist", "Reef Tanks", "Fish discussions", etc.., there is a message board labeled "Classified"