i was just lookin for a crab that has lots of personality and stays out in the open alot, and is REEF SAFE... i already have an emerald crab and a porcylin crab... any suggestions?
They grow very large, thats why you don't see them often. My largest emerald has lots of personality, rarely hides and likes to strut his stuff from one end of tank to the other flexing against the glass, my 2 small ines hardly come out at all.
Originally Posted by fedukeford
so would i be able to have a horeshoe in my 55 or is it 2 small?
First of all your 55 would be too small. And secondly, when those horseshoes get big, those things get NASTY!!! :scared:
buddy of mine, went to a LFS in chicago, and told him he "wanted crabs with lots of personality"
the guys told him about a purple haired h##ker cross the street..lol..dont know what he meant by that...
Originally Posted by Speg
Boxing crab - Enjoy
yeah, get one of those! Those things are AWESOME!!! ...that is, if you can actually get your hands on one...
I agree with the Sally Lightfoot mine is really cool he's always cruisin around and he looks cool besides. plus he does a good job as a cleanup crew member. hes always eating something.