I want a Hawaiian Feather duster


Active Member
I want a Hawaiin Feather duster so bad, my friend had one and it was so cool. do these guys breed in captivity? I use to have a million feather dusters on my live rock, but i was dumb and got a butterflyfish, he ate them all.

nm reef

Active Member
I'm not real sure about them breeding in captivity....but they are certainly readily available...the host here has normally got them in stock.


Active Member
I've seen it written somewhere that they often multiply in the home aquarium. I havent seen this happen in my tank so far though! They are $4.99 a piece here at my LFS. Come get all you want =c)


Is that a blue and pink duster in your picture? They look great! I have 4 brown Hawaiians, a maroon Hawaiian and a green. You pics are the first I have seen of those colors.


Cool I just ordered the duster cluster from the host sit. They will arrive tomorrow along with some Shaving brush. Hope the duster cluster looks as nice as your duster pictures.


Active Member
Duster clusters are usually either a purple or a orange color.. personally I dont think they are nearly as pretty as the giants or the dwarfs... but thats just me :)


Thanks for the info. My green is a dwarf and it is the only other color of feater duster I have been able to find around here other then the Hawaiians.


Active Member
I just noticed a new green feather duster in my pico the other day......Very small but its definately green in color...
So what sets the cocoa tube worm off from the typical Hawaiian dusters, other than price?


Active Member
Coco worms have a spiraling crown whereas most feather dusters dont, also the "feathers" are usually thinner and sometimes they are curled at the end.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Buzzword
Love the featherdusters too! Here are some of mine, not Hawaiin but cool.

those are amazing!!!!!!!!!1... what kind are those?!?!?!


Active Member
I JUST GOT A HAWAIIAN FEATHER DUSTER! WOOOHHH!!! its really neat. Hey NM Reef, where'd you get the blue and pink feather dusters, they look so cool. I am definetly going to get more feather dusters for sure.