I want a mantis shrimp


Active Member
Not me, but I just want to make sure yu are going ot put it in its own tank. Good luck, theya re beautiful cratures.


Active Member
Be careful with those things. They are notorious for breaking people's tanks with their claws. They will tap on it, and for some reason if they get too fired up, they are capable of breaking it. I have heard the stories. :eek:


I know a guy at the pet store, and he has one in his tank, he wants it out but can't find it, but its killing all his fish.


Active Member
yes it is going to go in it's own tank, which i was going to use as a small refugium, would that work? how many can go in a 10 gallon tank?


my LFS has 4 of them for sale.
Cool looking critters. All big and beautiful-amazing colors
Their eyes are amazing to watch


Active Member
fmarini, i will pay you if you get me one. how much are they going for, ill pay you up front if you prefer. just let me know what kind they are and if you have any pictures. ill even give you extra money if you get me one. let me know what you think...thanks.


The mantis shrimp is no wimp. Like a speeding bullet its claws will destroy its prey, or rip open your toe with equal enthusiasm. It comes in two basic models: the smasher (including Gonodactylus smithii) and the spearer (like Lysiosquilla maculata). In either case, when your big toe meets a mantis shrimp, it doesn't have a prayer.


New Member
there is a store here in tucson that has two peacock and one green for sale. i think there somthing like 40 dollers.


Active Member
i've been talking to the guy from www.blueboard.com/mantis
from the looks of his site and everything he seems to be an expert on mantis shrimp. he said that it isn't necessary to put them in an acrylic tank. he said a glass tank will be just fine. and that there strength is over-rated. while they are strong it is an EXTREMELY RARE occurance that you would need an acrylic.


Active Member
yeah. i decided that he is going to go into what was going to be my hospital tank. so now i have no hospital tank again. i know i know, i need to get my priorities straight.