I want a Porcupine Puffer, (Spiny Box Puffer)


I have a 65gal tank not set up yet i would like to get a box puffer. I was woundering if there was any kind of coral that it would be good with, and what kind of fish i could add that would not get chomped. Help please.


I also have a 150 but i was wanting to keep that for not so aggressive fish. Iguess i could swap them


he looks pritty cool but its not a box. i've wanted a box puffer for 10 yrs now just never did any research cause i never thauht it would happen


Do your research on mappas and get back to me.............. I recommend marinecenter.com


Active Member
from what i have read mappas get even bigger than box puffers, if i were you i would stay away from that fish

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by BabyB
from what i have read mappas get even bigger than box puffers, if i were you i would stay away from that fish
not only bigger... but hard to keep, they have a terrible life rate, and they more than often don't make through shipping
and triggcity, 2 questions..
#1, why did you buy it in the first place
#2 can you post some NEW pics of your triggers?


Active Member
there are a few people on here from ok, anytime you have a question im usually on so just ask
i have some family u in tulsa, how are the fish stores there
just a little warning, the boards have been haveing a problem lately with rudeness, dont take any of it personal, this site is full of great people that have really great experience and advice, one main on the agressive threads is psusoccer, very nice, there are many more, but again i will say dont take it personal, thier main intrest is the fishes wellbeing


not many fish stores love a pet is outragious and they dont know much. we are moving soon and waiting till then to check out the other stores.


30 xtra high,
Get a life and quit trying to meet chicks on the internet.


Active Member
if you would take the time to read it wasnt 30 extra hi
it was the new person, you need to stop showing off for the new people, your really starting to look like the butt of the foarms


Active Member
Porcs grow fast and although they are not "aggressive", they can eat smaller fish, inverts and will pick at corals. If you have the 150 and wouldn't mind seeing the Porc in there (and can house it there), then I say go ahead and get one.
I had one that grew to be over 12" long and was one of the coolest little fish I ever had.