i want another fish


sinner's girl

there are two perc's (not a pair) in the tank now. the big one is mean and has killed other fish.
the second perc was added after the big mean one...they seem to get along ok now. i'd like to add another fish but i don't want it to be killed.
I would like a 6-line wrassel does anyone know if the fish will get along with a mean perc? if not what is is a good fish that can hold it's own but still won't pick on the perc?


Six-Line and Perula Clown
no problem
I like Six-Line myself, they are very active and constantly grazing the LR
you may need more LR


New Member
I think the six line would be a good choice as well, they are scrappy enough to hold thier own, but not so tough as to bother the percs.

sinner's girl

did i leave out that the clown beat up and stressed my yellow tang? that's why i'm worried about getting another fish. my yellow tang is dead. they have a baby one at a lfs I want, but i can't get for other reasons (i don't have $40).
so still think the wrasses will be ok?
all thelr is in smallish pieces. so do you still think we need more lr, there are many hidding places. if i need more lr, i may be able to get a few small pieces.

sinner's girl

never heard of parrot fish, and swfcom doesn't have an image, can you tell me about the fish? or tell me where i can find out about the fish?

sinner's girl

well, can't get that one don't have any corals, not that i think i'd want a fish to eat the corals if we had them.


I say GREAT BIG TRIGGER. (teehee just kidding) Anything larger, like at least twice the size. it wil be tough to choose based or aggressiveness because of your other more passive perc. The pygmy angesls I personally wouldn't try because while they can be aggressive, it's usually only towards another pygmy and not anyone else. In fact I have found them to be quite passive, and easily intimidated.
On this site and others you can browse all the different kinds of fish that may work. Or get a good book.
Good Luck


6 line wrasse would be good...or what about a royal gramma? Are these the only fish you're planning to have in the tank? Good luck!


New Member
I don't trust lfs store water, no way am i ever leaving my fish at a lfs again! the last time i did (it was with a good one who we trust) he sold the fish! they were just damsels but still i liked them...
yeah, most likely the 6-line (or whatever) will be the last fish for awhile. I'm thinking of going with the 6-line if the lfs can get it (i have a $20 gift certificate). If they'll give it to under $20. I was going to get snails but I'd rather a fish...
Don't discount the 4-line or 8-line wrasses too. Also, if the royal gramma is not to your liking a blackcap basslet may be more suitable. I've kept all three of these wrasses with no probs even in a 125 gal tank with breeding clark's clowns. Want a blackcap basslet but doing research before making the decision.


New Member
I have a 6 line with two percs, a flame angel, and a foxface, and he is doing great. They are very colorful fish and he is pretty active. He is the favorite fish of practically everyone because of his color.
They are smallish, but make up for it with personality. I have had no issues with him at all. Granted, the percs I have are passive, but he lived with two damsels for a while without issues. The damsels bugged the heck out of the foxface, but never messed with the 6 line.
I would think that a 6 line would be a fine addition. I also picked mine up for $14, so if you used your gift cert, you might be able to pick up one and maybe even a snail or two...

sinner's girl

cool, thanks everyone for the input. The 6-line is my first choose if lfs can get and it is under $20 (small town, likes to over charge us poor college kids...). and if it looks healthy, I plan on getting it before lfs puts it in their tank...no need to acclemate him twice...
if there is any money left over I'll get snails...if not I'll just have to clean the glass myself till I have time and money to go to the lfs 35-40min away.
Once I have the new additions I'll let ya'll know how they do.